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Expert will not boot

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Sorry, forgot to update my sig on the last post. Here is the question again


I'm hopinf this is a mobo prob rather than a dead cpu. I have recently bought the Expert board. It had been working in a test bench setup, I'd just finalised the build and went to turn it on. Nothing, not even diagnostic led's. The only light that's on is the standby led. I tried using the easy-on button, still nothing. Tried shorting the ATX On connector, still nothing. Took out mobo and reinstalled, nothing. Changed PSU, RAM still nothing. I swapped out for my old asus board. No startup, but when I manually turned on the PSU with the green-black wire trick I could boot up to bios and the processor was registering OK. Any suggestions as to what the hell is going on ??

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lol. I've tried it with bare minimum, I even went as far as to try without a graphics card. It's no go no matter what I try and do. I don't even get it booting up for a second (like in cold boot problems)

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You wouldnt happen to be like me and just have lots of random parts around to test the CPU and see if its still good and make sure all the other parts work and that it is infact the motherboard that is the issue. I mean if i wass you i would certainly assume it would be the motherboard just from the fact that nothing is happening when trying to boot no beeps nothing...but if you have extra hardware a test of the components other than the motherboard is something to consider..



Also with the cold boot issues a flick of the rocker switch is normally the cure not a green black wire trick also I really dont know how good that could be for a mobo...Maybe it works I dont know but jump starting anything like that via wires can certainly be messy in my opinion..

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I only shorted on my old mobo, and only out of desperation. I did check for molex shorts and used 2 different power supplies (both of which work properlu when using a PSU tester).


I suppose my main question is what are the symptoms of a dead CPU ??

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Yep, that did nothing. I even tried booting the board with nothing plugged in (no cpu, ram, g-card). No result. then Installed everything with CPU last and no result. The stanby lights on, but it will go no further.

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Well I bit the bullet and used this opportunity to upgrade my processor. New one should be here in a few days. If the old one's OK it can go into the media centre. Only problem is the retailer's being a pig about RMA'ing the DFI board so I hope it is the CPU now :(

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Well I bit the bullet and used this opportunity to upgrade my processor. New one should be here in a few days. If the old one's OK it can go into the media centre. Only problem is the retailer's being a pig about RMA'ing the DFI board so I hope it is the CPU now :(


Is the retailer being a "pig" about RMAing the board because he/she knows he/she sold you a bad one???


Wouldn't be the first time bad stuff was rewrapped and resold ...


Sorry to have to say this ... :(

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It's komplett, so i don't know what there usually like. Theyt just keep asking more of the basic questions which is kind of annoying cause I wouldn;t buy this board if I didn't know how to exclude the basic stuff. I sent them a two page email explaining the problem so hopefully that will satisfy there curiosity. I just have this sinking feeling that when it does get back to them it will test out OK :sweat:

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