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Final Test for overclocking


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Do you guys agree that running prime for 8 hours is the final test before one can consider the computer stable? Will prime also consider heavy graphic situations to be stabel or do you perform some graphic test? What in prime do you run for the 8+ hours (small fft...etc.)?


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A blend test is best as it stresses both ram and cpu, although for dual core I recommend doing custom, and setting the quantity of ram to be used as half the amount you have, or else in some cases one core hogs the memory so that only one core actually primes.


8 hours of Prime95 is the final test for generally stability, although it still doesn't mean you're totally stable, just fairly stable. (enough to be entered in the database at least).

Usually if you aren't stable, one of the cores will crap out long before the 8 hours is up.


If you overclock your graphics card, then you ought to run repeated 3dmark tests on it for a prolonged period of time, as Prime95, etc does not deal with your gpu of course. If it can do many 3dmark tests consectutively, without artifacts, then your graphics should be stable.

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I never use a single test. I do three tests. Prime95 for 8 hours, Folding@Home [doesn't discard WUs, then it is fine], and I then do a repetitive kernel compilation in Linux. The third is the final test for me. Often real-world tests can pick up what stability testing programs can't, hence why I do the kernel compilation for 4 hours usually.

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