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Please help, Computer will only detect 1gb of ram tops...

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I had a 512mb Corsair xms 3200 (v 1.1 BH5) stick and a Corsair 256mb 2700 stick in my DFI Lanparty UTnf3 mobo working fine, for 768mb of ram total.


I recently bought 2x 512mb Twinx pack of Corsair Platinum XMS 3200 memory(1gb total).


I took out my 256mb stick of 2700 and wanted to have the three 512mb sticks in, (for 1.5gb total) however it will only detect 1gb of ram tops.


I've changed the sticks around in all the slots, tested each stick/slot and all work, I even put in the 2700 stick and it still wouldn't detect 1256mb of ram, only 1gb.


I've flashed my bios to the newest, etc, it still will only detect up to 1gb tops.


Also I noticed if I put my BH5 stick in the middle, with each platinum on the front/end that it would only detect 512mb, not 1gb+ or anything.


This is giving me a headache, hopefully someone can help me plz.

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It won't? Why?


Why would they have three slots if you can't use all three...?


So I basically wasted my money on buying ram I won't be able to use fully?


I didn't have that much money to waste in the first place :sad: .

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Yeah, I actually don't know of a S754 Processor that likes all 3 DIMM slots populated. If you do get it to work, you'll HAVE to run the sticks at 2T command rate (which will hurt performance a lot) and you might even have to run the DIMMs at DDR333 instead of DDR400...


If you have a Clawhammer CPU that's a C0 stepping, it will be impossible to run with all three slots filled as the C0 revision Clawhammers do not support 2T CPC.

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