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Raid Config

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Was just wondering about the Bios settings for enabling raid... it has listed "Enable Raid" (which I set to Enabled) and there are also options like Enable SATA 1 Prim/Sec and SATA 2 Prim/Sec... which of these do I need to enable if I have 2 drives on Sata ports 1 and 2 that I want to stripe. I configured the striping array correctly and am installing windows atm but I'm getting the error about it not loading some ROM and am worried this might cause trouble down the line.

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ENABLE the following: SATA RAID, SATA 1, SATA 2, SATA 3, and SATA 4 ... even though you're using only two of the four connectors.


DISABLE the following: SIL3114 Controller and IDE (PATA) RAID ... the SIL controller is slower than the NF4 controller and runs through the PCI (not PCIe) buss, and IDE RAID is slower than a snail ... :)


Also DISABLE any and all devices you won't be using. For example, COM 1, IRDA, OnBoard Audio, Onboard 1394, USB ports, etc.


And read this thread in the Tutorials ...




Hope this helps ... :)

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I go to

BIOS->Integrated Peripherals->RAID Config

These are my options:


RAID Enable - E

Bunch of IDE stuff -- all D

SATA 1 Primary E do these = 1 2 3 4??.. I have them all enabled ATM

SATA 1 Secondary E

SATA 2 Primary E

SATA 2 Secondary E

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That looks good to me.


First, and before you do anything else, make sure you have the correct BIOS settings for your memory configured in the Genie BIOS. Angry has posted links and/or threads for all the recommended memory types.


Then, after you make sure your SATA cables are fully connected to the motherboard and your RAID drives, reboot your PC and press F10 when directed to during the POST.


And last, because the Windows OS Installer has serious problems when it finds extra drives in the system, be safe and connect only the two RAID drives, a floppy, and a CD/DVD reader. Disconnect any other hard drives in your system.


FYI, I use SATA3 and SATA 1 for my Raptors. It puts each drive on a separate RAID controller in the chipset.


Hope this helps ... :)

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