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Kt600 Big Problem, Please Help!


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When i put the FSB = 200 the AGP and PCI frecuencys go to 80/40 mhz... The KT600 use the divisor 1/6 at 200 FSB but when i see in the Sandra and Aida32 the multi of PCI is 1/5 and the frecuencys 80/40....

When i run the 3dmark03, after 1 sec. crash... (with 200x10 = 2000mhz and vCore 1,7, normal for a Barton 2500+ OC).


Can any help me??? in the bios i can't change the divisor... it change auto. (i suppose) but no happend.


Signature system.


(sorry for my english, is terrible) ;)

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just changeing settings in the mobo bios...


FSB = 200

Mult. = 10

vCore = 1,7

DRAM = 400mhz, Cl 2.5 (kingston ddr400 cl2.5 standard)


The problem is the mobo, the PCI/AGP go up! to 40/80... i dont know why no use the 1/6 divisor...

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