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HELP!!! i flashed bios now i cant boot up

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You need a new PSU! The 370 is not enough for your system! :shake:

Sorry this is ah little long. Yo hit and run I have a couple of questions for ya. I'm a noob, so here it goes. I have opty 175 dfi ultra-d, bfg7800gt oc, OCz modstream 520, 74gb raptor hd. I did have 2gb corsair xms platinum but I had problems with my pc. I had the memory in the orange slots, but once I went into the bios, it frozed. Then he took one of the memory out and it did the samething. We didn't have another memory to test out the pc to make sure it was the memory was the problem or if it was the mobo or something else. I took it back to get my money return. What could of been the problem? The very first time it worked my buddy hooked it up it seem to work fine, but i had to take the cpu back for an exchange. When the second time we try to hook it up that's when the problem started as I stated. Any ideas why this happend and what other memory do you suggest? I do plan onto oc but at a later time. I was thinking about getting the OCz memory. what do you think? Any help would great.

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@ TVFREAKAZOID! Well this is what I would do! Clear the BIOS (the DFI way, link in my sig.) and reboot with one Ram stick in the top orange slot. Load the optimized defaults and reboot again! I also like to set the Ram voltage to 2.8V just to make sure the Ram is getting enough juice! After this MemTest for each stick of memory separately in the top orange slot on a min. build (look the link in my sig.) This much for the Ram! As far as I understand your post you got rid of your Corsair ram and will go with something else? First of all if you are a gamer you should go with a 2GB kit and everybody on this forum will tell you to go with a OCZ kit. If you don’t want to spend too much money you can go with the gSkill kit I own (look my sig.)! It’s a good 2GB kit and it’s worth the money! :nod:

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@ TVFREAKAZOID! Well this is what I would do! Clear the BIOS (the DFI way, link in my sig.) and reboot with one Ram stick in the top orange slot. Load the optimized defaults and reboot again! I also like to set the Ram voltage to 2.8V just to make sure the Ram is getting enough juice! After this MemTest for each stick of memory separately in the top orange slot on a min. build (look the link in my sig.) This much for the Ram! As far as I understand your post you got rid of your Corsair ram and will go with something else? First of all if you are a gamer you should go with a 2GB kit and everybody on this forum will tell you to go with a OCZ kit. If you don’t want to spend too much money you can go with the gSkill kit I own (look my sig.)! It’s a good 2GB kit and it’s worth the money! :nod:

Here are the 2 memory I was thinking about getting? Which do you think is better? I noticed one is ddr400 and the other one is ddr500. From what I read it's better to stick with the 400. Is there any really big difference between the 2? I do plan on ocing later or have someone oc for me because I wouldn't know how to do that. When I do, i would rather do it to be safe and not go too crazy.





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@ TVFREAKAZOID! Well this is what I would do! Clear the BIOS (the DFI way, link in my sig.) and reboot with one Ram stick in the top orange slot. Load the optimized defaults and reboot again! I also like to set the Ram voltage to 2.8V just to make sure the Ram is getting enough juice! After this MemTest for each stick of memory separately in the top orange slot on a min. build (look the link in my sig.) This much for the Ram! As far as I understand your post you got rid of your Corsair ram and will go with something else? First of all if you are a gamer you should go with a 2GB kit and everybody on this forum will tell you to go with a OCZ kit. If you don’t want to spend too much money you can go with the gSkill kit I own (look my sig.)! It’s a good 2GB kit and it’s worth the money! :nod:

And another question, raising the voltage on the memory, isn't that not good for it?

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I would go with this one! http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820227219 and don’t worry about raising the volts on the memory! Your default is going to be 2.6 and you should be fine at 2.8 when overclocking. I didn’t see any performance gain when going more than this. Look here: http://www.ocztechnology.com/products/memo...al_channel-2gb_ Your max. Voltage is 2.9V. If you want to go more for some reason I would use two 80mm fans and blow at it like I do on my rig. :nod:

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@ s.win


I also did not POST after flashing to the 704-2BTA. The BIOS is very different from older versions and this often causes a no POST. Even after a clear CMOS I didn't POST so I got worried. Doing the longer CMOS clear fixed it though.


About your PSU - although it may run the system, DFI now only support people who have a minimum 480W PSU as there can be stability issues with any PSU below this number.

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@ s.win


I also did not POST after flashing to the 704-2BTA. The BIOS is very different from older versions and this often causes a no POST. Even after a clear CMOS I didn't POST so I got worried. Doing the longer CMOS clear fixed it though.


About your PSU - although it may run the system, DFI now only support people who have a minimum 480W PSU as there can be stability issues with any PSU below this number.

How long should i clear the cmos? And what do you mean by post?

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