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Debating on wether to upgrade my NF2-Ultra B, xp 2600m & 9800 pro (recent problems, lol)


i have

all of the drives

2x512mb OCZ gold max ~250mhz cas 2 2-3-3-11 on my current system

and/or 2x 256mb (kingston Hyper-x)winbond that will do at least the same


So far i have decided to get

XFX 7800gt :drool:

OCZ Power Stream 520w


Undecided on the motherboard and processor

If i am only going to be running 1 video card is there any real advantage to the Expert over the UT Ultra D? From what i understand they both clock pretty well.

Also on the processor, definatley want dc. Still checking out other ppls results with the opty 165, either will choose that or the 3800x2.

also, any suggestions on HS?

comments, suggestions?


I am fairly experienced with DFI, such a pain in the *** to get to work sometimes, but really nice when it finally comes together, and then a pain when it all goes wrong again. But atleast it gives me something to fix.


thanks in advance

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