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Mem test 86

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You might save some time in getting a good indication of stability if letting test # 5 and # 8 do about 20 loops each. To be sure it's good to add a basic test with all options (what starts automatically) for some hours (personally I see this as usefull after a new installation of memory modules; not something I'm doing every time I try out some new settings).


But as your question suggest, it's a effective test but should be viewed as a first step. Prime95 in blended mode will also stress your memory. If you have the patiente it's good to run it 24 hours even at stock; if it passes you might save this in CMOS in BIOS and have it as a safe basic setup.


A test which stresses just memory in Windows envoiroment is this MemTest: http://www.hcidesign.com/memtest/

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If you're looking for some benchmark programs for RAM you might for exampel pick some program from this list: http://www.benchmarkhq.ru/be_memory.html


But a benchmark doesn't say much, since you might get a impressive result with an overall very instabile system. As you wrote you have experienced some bad working memory, so take your time to make sure these ones are working properly.


Good luck!

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