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Low CPU score on 3dmark05 and pcmark05 with x2

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I recently upgraded to AMD x2 3800+ from Intel P4. This is my first AMD CPU since the good ol' XPM 2600.


Since I heard good reviews with DFI Ultra-D, so that's the board I selected for my AMD platform. After putting everything together and reinstalled windows, I did a quick run with 3dmark05. However, seems like my cpu score is really low compare to other x2 at 2ghz. I got around 4000 compare to others 5000+.


I then oc'd the cpu to 2500mhz, and got a 200 point boost to the cpu score. But I still think it's relative low compare to others at 2500mhz. i also ran some pcmark05 score which is think is kind of low compares to others as well.


3dmark score


pcmark05 score


Since this is my first amd/dfi setup, I don't really know how to tweak the system so any help would be appreciated.


my whole rig setup is in the sig.



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Guest Dynamic

If you're running SP2 for your operating system find the Dual Core patch and install it. Also which drivers are you running for your motherboard? Did you install the IDE Drivers and the Nvidia Firewall as well?

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yes, i installed the dual core patch from amd, update to the latest bios. i have used forceware 81.98 and 83.40, but neither solved the low cpu problem.


i didn't bother installing the IDE drivers and firewall.

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