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How do i raise my Vcore?? No boot


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everytime i try to raise my Vcore any above stock , i can't boot, and i have to reset the bios to get the system to boot again.


i have the same problem with ddr volts, and i had the same problem on my friend NF4-D motherboard, if i raised the ddr ram volts above 2.7V it would not boot???


This is my first DFi board , so i am a total noob to the bios in this thing, but i have been overclocking computers for over 10 years, so i am just lost in these huge amount of bios options.


i want to get my opty 165 up to 2.6GHZ atleast, and i think the 1.32V the core is reading in the bios won't be enough.


i am at 2.250ghz right now with 1.32V core

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Since it's your first post: Welcome!


If you feel a bit lost when it comes to Bios settings, I would recommend you to study the "AMD overclocking guide": http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=20823


If this doesn't help, a good option could be to post a list of your "Genie Bios". As you describe it I can't figure out what settings you have; you have a startup value, and then the usual vcore which can be adjusted with the special vcore. Since you don't need to get more voltage to RAM than what a default setting of the jumper gives you, theres just one option concerning RAM voltage in Bios to change.


But: have you qualified you RAM before starting to do any changes? You do good in testing your RAM in Memtest to make sure your settings work.

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core temps is 42C


heck maybe i will not need any exta volts to get to 2.6ghz stable, fingers crossed, that would be like getting a FX60 for $265.00 which is what i paid for the oem 165 from monarch.


i have memtested the ram already and it never errors unless i got over 265mhz cas3,4,4,8,1T , or over 217mhz cas2,3,2,5,1T

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better than a regular true 550watt, i realise i have no where to plug in the 8pin eps connector, but i wonder if they were slightly better quality PSU's, maybe slight ly more amps capable???


also i am runnig 2gb ram, i have another 2 x 1gb mushkin, i could run 4gb at cas3,3,3,8,1t with a memory divider right???


i also have 2 x 512mb hyper-x bh-5 i could add and run 3gb at cas2,3,2,5,1T


i relise neither of the option would make little difference in anything except cad/cam or photo shop, or video encodeing, but i have the ram sitting here unused, so i might as well put some more of it in.

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i am now at 1.4V core, setting the startup volts ot anything but startup cause my machine to not boot, but the % will raise it plenty, so i don't need to raise startup volts any.


i want too see how high i can go with 1.4V core, if i can get 2.6ghz totally stable in everything. then i will be happy to run that 24/7


since i had a opty 148 that ran 2.6ghz 24/7 stable at 1.4V core before this, I would have almost double the power, and i only paid $50.00 more for the 165 then i sold the 148 for.

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