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[Help] My dfi cant go w/ venice at higher speeds?


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I Bought a venice ( ADA3200DAA4BW LBBWE 0523FPMW Z719376F50535 ) 3 days ago, and the person that sold me the processor, said it run at 2.9 Ghz, at 1.610 V and 2.6 ghz, at 1.425V *(All Vcores at bios values ) ...


*My Memo can run at 290 mhz ! ( 290*9 2600mhz OK )


So, the BIG PROBLEM is :

290*10 = not stable


I tested a lot of configs, and i cant go to 2.9 ghz STABLE... For example; 270*10 1.45V to 290*10 1.610 V, I can load windows, but prime, or occt says it is unstable. anything higher 2.6 is unstable... So... What is the problem? Can be the mobo? T tryed memo 1:1, and another divisor, but all gives unstability .


I Tryed To 1.68 V, and looks like the same of 1.610 V... Another Think !

Memtest aways give erros at test 6 ! ( only up 2.6 ghz ) ..


Im very very bored.......... :sad:

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