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As77 Infinity Will Not Post

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I have a problem with this AD77 board not posting any longer. I am useing 333 mhz ram and have bumped it up to 400 many times with no problems.

All of the board set points are sitting on auto and the ram timings are set on

SPD.... It runs great so no reason to make it run faster. Now when the button is pushed the LED lights get as far as 34 and 6 being on and the boot stops and I get a long beep folowed by a sound that is like a bell ringing end of boot the system freezes there. When it first started the bell noise was a high then low pitched sound the one time the bell sound has taken over.

The book states the led lights (testing all memory cleared all extended memory

to zero).

I had the ram checked and also the cpu all checked good. This is with the hard drives unplugged and all but the video and keyboard plugged in.I need to know if the board is doomed for the pile. I have checked the PS and all the voltages are in the limits cept for the 5 volts that being 4.91 volts, Is this board doomed for the scrap pile< I would like to get it up and running, Thanks

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I honestly know nothing about your board and there are very few (if any) people on this forum with your board.


With that said..... here are my suggestions....


Try holding the insert key while attempting to post. (Starting before you push the power button)


Try clearing the CMOS with the battery out and the psu unplugged. Leave it for at least 5 minutes or so.


Try a different stick of RAM.


Good luck and welcome to the forum. :)

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