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2 Q's in 1 Post. Power and Northbridge Fan

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Hi. I have 2 issues right now with my DFI lanparty UT SLI-DR board. I am concerned about my voltages. I've tried 2 different psu's and both are producing similar voltage readings via the monitoring software: EVEREST.


CPU CORE 1.36v

+3.3v 3.25v

+5v 4.95v

12V 11.65v <- That the one im worried about

+5v Standby 4.97v

Vbat battery 3.06v


I have talked about about 15 people who use this same software and they all claim their +12v is in the range of 11.95 to 12.25 why is mine so low? Is there a setting in the BIOS that I need to enable to make my motherboard get a higher voltage? I believe this is one of the reasons my video card keeps coming up telling me I do not have enough power.. although I have the connector set up appropriately via BFG's tech support guy just to double check myself


Q#2: Northbridge Fan

My Northbridge Fan is making ALOT of noise.. and at times it just fails to start spinning now matter how hot the chip gets.. I've moitored the chip temperature via everest and as soon as it hit 55 celcius I'd turn off the computer and try and "kickstart" the northbridge fan to start spinning. More often than not its just a HEINOUS screaming noise... It was fine for about 6 months so I know what the fan is SUPPOSED to sound like.. and its not a whirring noise like most fans.. its like the bearings have gone out on it or something. The DFI 1800 number was NOT helpful at all.. as the people had no idea what I was talking about. They wanted me to RMA the whole mobo back to them.. when in a post earlier visited by ANGRY GAMES he said they would send out a replacement fan... but they dont have any sitting around for sale. How do I go about getting a replacement fan? And if DFI wont replace it.. how can I go about buying one? From my research they are only 5-25$ depending on what you buy.. but I cant find anywhere online to sell them. Maybe even some search critera would help me out a TON so I can have it over nighted.


Would appreciate some help on these issues because I'm about to go buy another 6800GT for SLI mode, and put 4gig of ram into the system within the next 2 weeks.. I'd like to solve my more mundane issues first before upgrading.

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I am in the same boat as #2 fan hasnt worked in a few months and would like a replacement without having to RMA the board.

I like in the Uk have Serial number on Box but lost invoice.. Who should I contact?



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Re: 12V rail @ 11.65V


First, don't trust the software but the actual voltage check yourself using voltmeter. Quite often measurements taken using software, even from the BIOS are inaccurate.


And perform the measurements both under idle and under heavy CPU and GPU load if possible. If the 12V rail goes below 11.5V you have a problem, where the only solution is buying a new, quality power supply...

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