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Asus Motherbord

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im lookin to buy the ASUS P4SDX(NOT the Deluxe edition) mobo, but im a little confused with somthing. when i look at the overview page for the P4SDX it says it supports Dual channel DDR 400, and under the overclocking features its says "Flexible CPU Core Voltage Adjustments in 0.025V increments over defaults

- SFS (Stepless Frequency Selection) from 100Mhz up to 166MHz at 1MHz increments

- AGP/PCI Asynchronous Mode with FSB (fixed AGP/PCI frequencies)" and i quote, but when i got to the specifications tab it says it supports dual channel DDR 333 and says nothing about DDR 400 and the overclocking section in the specifications tab is also different


"ASUS JumperFree

CPU,Memory voltage adjustable

"SFS(Stepless Frequency Selection) from 100 MHz up to 200MHz at 1MHz increment "

Adjustable FSB/DDR ratio "


notice the differences in the FSB Settings the overview says 100-166 and the specifications says 100-200, also the ability to lock the AGP and PCI frequencies, the overview says it can the spesificatios doesent mention it


what do i belive

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