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Good deal or steal??

Guest PP Mguire_merged

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Guest PP Mguire

Ok so this guy is going to sell me a Lanparty NF3 ultra-D board (s939 duh) for !!!50$!!!!. He only used it a little bit until he got an NF4 baord and a PCI-E 6800GT. So the thing is basicaly brand new. Now i know about some of the bios troubles and was wondering if i didnt OC this thing would it be an alright gaming board? I have 1gig of RAM, a 6800GT AGP, and a 3000+ Sempy (754) currently. Any suggestions?

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Guest PP Mguire

Well i trust the guy, so yea i guess. But you guys have the experience w/ them. So thats why i was asking.

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I just got one for my rig which is 100% gaming and so far I am very very happy with it. It lives up to the hype. You do have to be patient with it if you are overclocking but it has been fun and for the most part very painless for me.

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I just got one for my rig which is 100% gaming and so far I am very very happy with it. It lives up to the hype. You do have to be patient with it if you are overclocking but it has been fun and for the most part very painless for me.


couldn't agree more with you mate... :)


the more the problems it gives you the more you'll learn... :P

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Guest PP Mguire

Ok so it sounds good. The guy told me about a cold boot problem w/ the bios and all. Do you guys have any problems w/ yours w/out OCing? Again i dont plan to OC until i can get an NF4 board so this is going to be stock.

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DFI board is meant for OC, why not on this board mate? :D


bios depend much on what kinda chip you gonna pair with the board. :rolleyes:


815/824 work fine for sandy while 705/711 proved to be betta performer for vinny (in most cases)... ;)

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Guest PP Mguire

Hmm well, i was told of this particular board being unstable because of the bios so idk. Im getting a 3000+ Venice for the time being until i get my better setup. Maybe i will get some decent OCs. 2.4? 2.5?

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If it is a good 3000 then 2600-2700 would be more in the range depending on your settings. I have had my board now for about a week and I have mine up to 2600 prime stable and 2700 close to stable. I am burning in now. This board rocks. Remember that it is still the Ultra D board. As for the cold boots from what I have read that is mainly an issue with SATA drives and there are some work arounds that have been posted here. For $50 you just can't go wrong.

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