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Good deal or steal??

Guest PP Mguire_merged

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Guest PP Mguire

Yea ive decided im going to get it and get a 3000+ w/ a big HSF. Ill strap a Vantec Tornado on somehting that supports it. Thanx alot for the comnets guys.

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not every cooler need a high cfm fan like tornado or delta, considering the noise produce by the fan... :sweat:


You know thats such a true statement.. !


For the longest time I was using a 92mm vacum cleaner on my SLK948..lol.. Then I kinda burnt the wires..well thats another story..hehe.. But since then Ive been using a 92mm panaflo that I had laying around and honestly my temps are not that different..


And I can almost hear myself think now.. :cool:

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Guest PP Mguire

Sup? Sorry ive been gone a while. I just sent the guy the 50$ for the board and ill have it shortly. Ive deicded im going to get a San Diego 3700+ instead and OC that bad boy w/ G.Skill LAs. Whereas the noise, it doset bother me. My old LAN rig had 7 Thermaltake SmartFanIIs in it at full speed. Talk about loud lol. So one Vantec Tornado should be no problem at all. Also, im pretty crazy so i might stick 2 of them on that thing that im getting (this right here http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835106044) I cant wait till i get all my parts.

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why get sandy while opty is available now? :P


right combination there, for copper HS betta pair it with high CFM fan, since it helps to disspate heat faster (more effective) if compared to aluminium HS. :)


*pls correct me if i'm wrong... ;)

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Guest PP Mguire

Errr, what do you mean opty?? The San Diego is the core for the top of the line AMDs for gaming such as 3700+ 4000+ FX-55 and FX-57. I just happen to be getting the smaller one in that buch but its still good. And yes copper is better than aluminum.

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