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My New Site!


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Hey ya'll Thanks to LinuXproX I got a new site..




I have a few pages up right now.. Nothing big..


Just working on it..


I was wondering if anyof you can draw in Photoshop or something.. I want to get a 3d drawin of a computer.. pretty decent size.. half a screen size..

I cant draw Ive tryed the past 3 days.. Just a case.. I can add the bays... and I can modd it LoL..


But I want to Put it on my page..


Take a look at it, tell me what you think I should add.. and If anyone can draw a case hook me up! lol..


l8rz ya'll!

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s00n sir.. Im about 2 hrs in to it.. Ive gone though..

Cheetos.. 4x 20oz Coke a Cola's 2x 10oz Bawls

Personal Pizza..


and... My brain seems to be fryed! hehe..

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been.. 3+ hrs.. and I got 8 Pages done.. I only have 3 up right now.. cuz I dont have links to the other pages..


its 4am.. I am gonna head off to bed.. I need to wake up at 11 tomorrow I need to see my girl before she goes to work..


but I will be back!


I still need someone to make a computer box out of Truspace.. or PSP for me!! hehe..


I should have Pics in by tomorrow 2 Bosco!


if you come up with any Ideas hit me up for them!


I need some.. I am kinda just copying my old webpage style.. adding a few things here and there..


I still only know basic HTML crap.. but am Definitly willing to learn more stuff if you can think of it.. or something to do..


Night! and l8rz!

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What do you have in mind for the PhotoShop picture? I'm not sure what you are asking for. Are you talking about making some sort of a logo for your site or something? Do you want a case thats just like a drawn outline, or do you want to modify a real picture or something?


I mess around w/ photoshop alot, doing flyers for friends - making wallpaper and what not.


As far as making a computer case from a blank page, I don't know, might be a little tricky. But if your trying to modify an existing picture it should be no problem.


BTW - nice site....ALMOST makes me wanna update mine :).

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I want a handdrawen pic of a case really.. Just like a box.. that looks 3dish.. so I can add some 5 1/2 bays and somefloppy drives.. and like mod the pic.. pretty much.. make it my logo indexpage..



thanks.. I thought it looked like crap.. but I think everything I do looks liek crap..

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hm......looks good but the red on black text is a little hard to read. i tihnk white and black looks pretty good.


lol....need new digital camera


making a new site.....of course im putting a link to overclockersclub on it

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