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My Other Computer Wont Boot Up


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My other computer wont boot up. I dont know why though :(


One day I put in a dvd drive to test to see if it worked and then when I turned it on instead of saying "Searching for boot device from IDE-0..FOUND" it says "Searching for boot device from SCSI..NOT FOUND"


I dont use SCSI, I checked the boot devices in the bios, unchanged. I changed it to IDE-1 2 and 3 but still comes up with The SCSI error. I try to run FDISK and it says there are no Non removable drives.


It was all fine till it put in that DVD drive (replacing my 52x CD rive temporarily)



So yeh you see my prob, is there anything I have to change on the bios, is there a place to disable SCSI? I really dont know what wrong because I havnt changed anything except the drive, which shouldnt matter at all. I was in windows, shutdown then booted again, thought it was probly the drive doing it so I restored all cables to normal (made sure they were all plugged in) and started again but the same error.


I need that comp working ASAP :(

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i had a similar problem about a year ago when i put in my second hard drive, it wouldnt recognize my cdrom drive.


i had to change the jumper settings to get it to work. look in the manual for the correct settings. ;)

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Fixed it.. if anyone wanted to know what was wrong, all I had to do was reset the bios to default settings which then automatically detected the IDE hdd and calculated size etc, somehow that stuffed up.



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