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Smartguardian [special small design!]

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Joop, not sure you understood. I saw an email come through from a guy named Joop that is resigning after 5 years with my same employer, and guess what, he also lives in the Netherlands just as your profile says. Either there are a bunch of dudes named Joop that live in the Netherlands or you and I work for the same company. I'm really curious so let's take this offline. Shoot me a PM.

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great guide!! i used your howto in changing my 12 and 5 volt readouts.


i was wondering if there is a way to change the 3.3v. . . ? mine's reading a little low, 3.1, which isn't a big deal. i checked it with a multimeter, reads true ~3.31v. just would be nice to have it right like the rest.


thanks again!

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Hi Joop...I'm using your nf3 250Gb SG mod. I like it very much, kudos to you for your efforts. A question...my chipset reads 1.55V in red most of the time, but then turns to white text when it reads 1.56V. It turns into white text (1.56V) about every 30 seconds.


Is this something i should be concerned about? Is there a fix for it? When i used dfi's defualt SG it always stayed @1.56V.

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Thanks Jaz for the friendly words :D


Nothing to worry and yes you can simple fix it within Smartguardian, press Option and choose Voltage, here you can change all the Voltage percentages.



This is a example of (my OverClock voltage range) %age setting:




Within 'smart.ini' you can even change the DefaultTemp= (Milli-Voltage) to your specifics CPU, Memory and the Chipset voltage.


'smart.ini' useful voltage parts, examples:



[VIN0] 'CPU Data




DefaultTemp=150 'e.g. for a Mobile CPU set to yours specific DefaultTemp= xxx (mV)


Percent=20 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age


[VIN1] 'nF3=CHIPSET Data




DefaultTemp=160 'e.g. you can compensate to you reading Chipset 1.56V with set DefaultTemp=156 (mV)


Percent=10 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age




[VIN6] ' DRAM Data




DefaultTemp=260 'e.g. compensate this for your specific memory (BH5, CH5 or TCCD etc.) set DefaultTemp= xxx (mV)


Percent=10 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age



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Thanks Jaz for the friendly words :D


Nothing to worry and yes you can simple fix it within Smartguardian, press Option and choose Voltage, here you can change all the Voltage percentages.



This is a example of (my OverClock voltage range) %age setting:




Within 'smart.ini' you can even change the DefaultTemp= (Milli-Voltage) to your specifics CPU, Memory and the Chipset voltage.


'smart.ini' useful voltage parts, examples:



[VIN0] 'CPU Data




DefaultTemp=150 'e.g. for a Mobile CPU set to yours specific DefaultTemp= xxx (mV)


Percent=20 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age


[VIN1] 'nF3=CHIPSET Data




DefaultTemp=160 'e.g. you can compensate to you reading Chipset 1.56V with set DefaultTemp=156 (mV)


Percent=10 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age




[VIN6] ' DRAM Data




DefaultTemp=260 'e.g. compensate this for your specific memory (BH5, CH5 or TCCD etc.) set DefaultTemp= xxx (mV)


Percent=10 '<-- Changing with Smartguardian Option Voltage %age



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  • 3 weeks later...

POST #1 Personalized Smartguardian: ......

Within 'smart.ini' you can change anything with notepad e.g. color codes, names, size, locations etc.

The 'logo.bmp' file is original a black background, you can replace that with you own created background or your chosen picture etc., logo's etc.


Btw: this thread is only for the DFI nF3 Smartguardian versions, your DFI nF4 mobo use a different Smartguardian, for the nF4 downloads and nice examples from other guy's go to Smartguardian[DFI nF4 Special] (link in my sig.)


This: ShowCoNo" from Marián Pánik is a very handy Color code tool.



Hope this help :D

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