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I got my cpu at 2.8ghz i think i am happy now... fsb @ 333 and cpu vid at @ 1.600V!


I idle at 33c and load at 38c-39c.


I also ran prime95 and the highest i seen the temp get was 40c for not even a sec and went back down to 38c


Any input is always good! I thank all of u for all the threads and help i got!


My goal is to hitt 10,000 on 3DMark05 as u can see with my score below im not far at all maybe i should overclock my cards?!


O well! lol thanx again!

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Grab yourslef a copy of coolbits 2 from the web and it allows you to overclock your cards through your driver tabs. Also been fooling with the 80 series of drivers and got me a cool 300 3dmark 05 points just from x2 optimizations. Should hit 10,000 easy when they release them WHQL.


And congrats on your OC. Nice work!



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