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[Resolved]:Ram problems

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Hello all I,m Dutch and new on this forum, so i hope you can read/understand my question(s)

My LP Pro 875B revA Dont seem to like my expensive Geil ddr (dual ch.) if i try them my Pc (after a while) is starting again doing so it cant find my boot Hd anymore, Hd is also missing in the bios it happens for instans when i run a mpg for about 5/10 minutes.

If i put back my Danes everithing is running stable.

Someone told me these Geils are to fast for this Mb but i dont believe it for this moment.

I have no experiances with clocking things but i tryd to garefuly gif them more

(0,2) Volt extra but no effect its stil making the same error.


I tryd them seperately, dit not work



Actualy i would like to use those Geils together with the Danes in two dual ch if this is pasible?


So I need some advice,


Do i have to change someting else in the bios more V. maybe?

Ofcourse i dont want to destroy my Mb i Maybe already destroyd a 875P-T it isn,t booting at all, board came from Ebay in future i bay only new boards becouse its cheaper that way.



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Welcome to DFI-Street Bertus! :)


I have a few questions for you:


1. What is the exact model of Geil RAM you have?


2. The BIOS listed for the 875B Rev A is not listed correctly. When you boot-up the computer, look in the lower left-hand corner to find the correct BIOS date. Once you find that out, could you update your sig to reflect it?


3. What is the BIOS date for the 925X-T2?


4. Have you tried loosening the timings on the Geil RAM to, let's say, 3-4-4-8 for whatever board you are using them on?

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Pro875B Rev.A


O.k. this is printed on the rams DDR400 CL= 2-6-3-3 pc3200


number on the barcode 0 841517 000660

two 512mb dual pair

I think those Ultra sets.


And the Danes:. D1D400-064643X2 is al i can read are running fine

two 512mb dual pair

I hope the bios i fild in is correct, cant find enything else.







i wil fil in the bios of my 925 today ore tomorrow have a small probl with it

I,m almost finishing bilding it, it runs very good sofar i only have some small install probl. to fix.

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