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Pentium D 840

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The 925X-T2 does not support dual-core.


According to Intel, the only chipsets that will support the 8xx series (dual-core) CPUs are the following:


- i955 Express

- i945P Express

- i945G Express

- E7230


On another note, let's say you were to change motherboards to one that does support a dual-core CPU, your PSU would not be sufficient.

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LGA775 for Intel P4 processor

Intel 865PE chipset

Supports LGA775 FSB800/533MHz processor, EM64T Ready and H-T Technology

Support Intel Dual Core Processors, including Pentium D and Extreme Edition


My friend from Poland bouht a few weeks ago mainboard on Intel 915G chipset (ASUStek) and he found latest beta bios for this mobo and there is Pentium Dual Core support (beta but they still working to improve).



So... Intel 925X is much more advanced and later product than Intel 865PE.

Why DFI can't write a new BIOS to support Pentium D in some mobos like: 915 or 925 ?? Any plans to try do this ??


If I will insert Pentium D now, to the mb lp925x-t2 it will boot up only as one core or will not ??

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The information you have provided is not valid, no matter what ASRock states on their website. There are no reviews from reputable websites nor are their any user's who have verified ASRock's claim the board supports dual-core CPUs. Until that happens, ASRock's claims are completely unfounded. Period. End of statement.


DFI has not stated the 925X-T2, nor any other Intel based board they produce, supports dual-core. I do not know if they plan, or are working, on providing support for dual-core CPUs on their current line of Intel based motherboards.


Now on to your question: I do not recommend installing the 840 dual-core CPU onto your motherboard as DFI has not stated the board supports dual-core CPUs.


DFI cannot be held responsible if you install a CPU that has not been approved for use with the motherboard and end up damaging the board or the CPU or another component in your system.


If you are quite adamant about wanting to run a Intel dual-core CPU, then I would suggest purchasing another motherboard, from Asus for example, so you can do so.


I am locking this thread for the topic has been discussed enough already in other threads.

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