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CPU Multipliers and MEMTEST Errors?!


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Well, I usually search/read posts rather than write them, but I stumped with something and have not yet found any post in the forum that helps.


I've been working over my CPU/MOBO/Memory on/off for weeks trying to find a good balance between OC'd memory and CPU. Came across something that doesn't seem to make much sense - I can work my mem OC on the 12x cpu multi all the way up to 230+ (1:1) where I run into voltage limitations and begin to get memtest errors. Of, course, the CPU isn't even close to being windows stable at this speed (2700mhz) even at 1.75v. So when I try a lower multi (11x, 10x, 9x, etc) to preserve some of the additional mem bandwidth I get memtest errors out the wazzoo until I lower the FSB substantially, any where from 7-20Mhz depending on multi. Tried loosening/tightening all mem timings in every possible permutation, locked AGP bus at both 67 and 68 MHZ, Tried different LDT multis, tried a couple of different BIOS/CMOC resets as well with no success.


I'm no noob, but frankly stumped over what may/may not be at work here.


Any ideas DFI Jedi?

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Don't know about x10, but x9 causing errors is fairly common. There are also several people, including me, that can't get a clean run in any odd multi. There is apparantly no fix. If you search for my user name, you will see several threads with this problem, but, so far, no help.

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