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Ram Oc

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ok I have decided on getting these along with this .


but I have a few questions before I buy it.


-What does it mean to "Burn In"

-How do you PROPERLY Burn In Ram?

-Can you just turn up your DRAM voltage to max to burn them in quicker?

-How long does it usually take to properly burn in ram and at what voltage?


-What the hell is the OCZ DDR Booster Diagnostic Device Model for?

-Does it allow me to OC my CPU more along with my ram?

-If so how does it allow you to do it?

-Does it unlock higher voltages to push your CPU more?

-Does it unlock higher voltages to push your RAM more?


My Specs:


CPU: Athlon 64 3400+ Newcastle

Motherboard: DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb

Graphics Card: ATI Radeon X800XL

Cooling: 6 Vantec Tornado Fans + 1 Zalman Fan for GPU

Power Supply: ASPIRE ATX-AS550W

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1) "Burning-in" term implies using voltages slightly higher than those suitable for 24/7 in order to get rid of certain defects in RAM chips. These voltages should be low enough to leave main chip structure intact but high enough to destroy (literally burn) unwanted parasite links between memory cells.


2) "Properly" depends on the exact type of RAM in question. Since yours is UTT CH-5, you should use 3.4-3.5V during burn-in process.


(I SERIOUSLY do not recommend using 3.5V for 24/7 with these sticks. Yes, I know that they are officially rated 3.5V by OCZ. But you should be aware that MANY of them actually DIED from being fed with such voltage for long periods of time. Safe voltage for UTT CH-5 is 3.3V or lower.


ALWAYS use active cooling when your RAM is OCed. Especially while burning-in. 90mm fan blowing directly to the sticks should help to keep temps within acceptable range.)


Best app for burning-in is Memtest+ (current version is 1.60) - where you should choose continuous looping of test 5.

Best freq for burning-in is that which gives you some amount of errors but not thousands of them. It's easier to see if there's any progress over time this way.


3) You certainly can. But for safety reasons I recommend going step by step adding 100mV at a time.


4) First results usually show up after 24 hours burn-in. If you do not see any improvement at all, then you've probably reached the top at the given voltage.

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Never used DDR Booster, sorry. Only know that it allows you to feed RAM with higher VDimm w/o voltmodding your MB.


Not sure if DFI NF3 allows to use 5V rail for RAM but NF4 does (and so you don't need anything else, only to switch the JP17 jumper).


Prob better to PM your questions about DDR Booster to AndyOCZ. I'm sure he's familiar with the device.

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Hi, the DDR Booster will give you more voltage on the DFI NF3 board, above your limit of 3.2v. The problem is that you may have to modify the booster to fit 2 sticks of memory in. If you can run the memory in slots 1 and 3, then the booster should be fine. I think AG does this.


Does anyone know if slots 1 and 3 will work together ok on the 250gb?

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I'm sorry, I don't understand your last question.


Do you mean does the Booster help CPU voltage? The answer would be no.


The 3.3v rail has nothing to do with the booster. It uses the 5v rail and 12v rail for power and will deliver up to 3.8v on most boards.

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