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  • Computer Specs
    CPU: I7 [email protected] GHZ
    CASE: ANTEC900
    GPU: GTX+ 9800 1GB DDR3
    HD: OCZ 30GB SSD
    HD: WD 1TB

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. so my scores are up to 7.6 after a clean install.... think again with a 5970 only 7.6?
  2. i think im gonna go witht he samsung p2270h 27" what do you guys think?
  3. budget is not an issue, I'd rather get somevery very good for good quality regardless of the price than getting something low end
  4. I just got my 5970 and want a single monitor to match it with, whats good out there?
  5. but isnt the 5970 a very good video card i was getting a video card for free so i picked the most expensive one
  6. Alright, I shall put this monster to the test.. thanks again for the suggestions
  7. Man you think you are having issues...check this out, im now pist at bill gates, check it: look at my signature and WEI is ranking my HD 5970 at 6.0 ...whats more crazy is that my two solid state drive in a raid 0 give me and average reading speed of 379 and writing speed of 180 WEI rank it at 5.9?
  8. Im new here so bare with me, thanks. So i just put my new system together and windows 7 experience index says that Desktop performance for windows aero is 6.0 3D business and gaming graphics performance is 6.0 is there a reason for this....? I mean this is the very best of GPU's out there why is WEI ranking it so low.??? thanks in advance for your comments and opinions... ps: also my ssd's in raid 0 are extremely fast and WEI ranks it at 5.9
  9. Hi, its my first post and I thank you all in advance for the great work. I have the same system Gene and H50 and I'd like to overclock it to 4.2 would you please be so kind to post your bios settings MB: RAMPAGE II GENE CPU: I7 [email protected] GHZ COOLING: CORSAIR H50 CASE: ANTEC900 GPU: GTX+ 9800 1GB DDR3 HD: OCZ 30GB SSD HD: WD 1TB POWER: STARFISH 550 WATTS
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