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  • Folding@Home
  • Computer Specs
    Phenom II x3 720
    XFX 8600 GT
    4G Crucial Balistix PC2-8500

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  1. I have check with core temp, hardware monitor, and speed fan. All tell me temps of 40-41. The attached screenshot are my current temps and I have been running prime95 for nearly 7 hours. I think these are right, because my previous CPU was a 6400 and it was running 60 at full load with my old cooler, a Zalman CNPS 9500, after I switched to the lapped Mugen 2 the temps dropped into the low 40s at full load.
  2. Go with a better CPU cooler. I have the Mugen 2, it has been awesome, and it is in the same price range.
  3. Does anyone know what System2 temp refers to on CPUID Hardware Monitor? I have a GA-MA770-DS3P motherboard. It is running 70-80 and I am not sure what it refers to, so I can cool the area.
  4. I appreciate the info. I am just looking for the max voltage I should consider running my system at for 24/7. I just didn't know if I could keep my temps under 50 if I could continue to increase voltage.
  5. I am just using air, but my temp is only getting to 41 at 1.5v using air, so I did not know if I could keep going until my temps started getting toward the 50 range. At 100% load with cpu set to 3.59 at 1.45v my temp is only 34, which is why I am trying to see if I could run significantly higher voltage. I realize there is an upper limit, but I just wasn't sure, if I was able to get it stable at voltages over 1.55 and my temps were still below 50, if it would be advisable to run it there. I always ask why because there are so many things that are done, "just because that is how we have always done it." I just didn't know if there was any actual info that showed that high voltage even at reasonable temps caused significant damage.
  6. I haven't tried over 1.5v, but I am trying to see if I could run higher, say 1.7v, to get a stable OC at 3.8. I think I would give up a year of CPU life to run stable at 3.8 as opposed to 3.6
  7. The CPU was only running 40. However, on CPUID Hardware Monitor it shows my System2 temp as 80. I have not been able to figure out what System2 measures. Could this be the problem?
  8. I realize the life will be reduced, but I am trying to find out how much. Are we talking it will only last me 3 years instead of 6, or is more dramatic, like 6 months?
  9. I tried 3.7 at 1.45 and after about an hour of prime95 my system would spontaneously reboot.
  10. I'm relatively new to overclocking. I have my phenom II 720 stable to 3.6 at 1.475v. I would like to push it further, but I am not sure how much is too much when it comes to voltage. I have had it up to 3.7 and 1.5v, but gets unstable after about an hour of prime95, my temps stay around 38 on air. I know that as the volts are increased my cpu life can be decreased. Is it the heat or the volts that decrease the cpu life? If it is the volts, how high can I push it before I seriously cut the life span?
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