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  1. after reading into this issue more, i have come to the conclusion that SLI isnt working because the PCI-e slots on my expert board are v1.0. from teh information ive come across, these should run in SLI if i had PCI-e 1.1 is there a bios flash that will update these to v1.1? or is that a physical limitation of the board? i could me mistaken, but i believe asrock released a bios update that updated the PCI-e from 1.0 to 1.1 any thoughts?
  2. yep, i do have teh sli bridge connected.. i have even tried flipping it around to see if that makes a difference, but if im not mistaken it shoudlnt matter what way it is on there.
  3. as far as im aware there are no jumpers on the expert board, unlike the previous NF4 lanparty boards. i do have SLI broadcast aperture enabled however.
  4. i have used 3dmark06 and i end up with teh exact same score with with sli enabled in teh nvidia control panel. i have found some information regarding using nibitor to edit and flash the cards bios to pcie 1.1 but im hoping that there is another way.. i dont want to brick my video cards. if not i guess i'll be doing more major upgrading sooner than i thought.
  5. i should also note that a 8800 gt does work on this mobo with absolutely no issues.
  6. this will teach me to jump the gun without doing my research first... i have been trying to get 2 8800 gt's to work in sli on my Expert mobo, but to no avail. vista does recognise that both cards are there, and teh nvidia control panel allows me to select to run them in SLI however, GPU-Z confirms that SLI is disabled. im not sure what bios version im running right now, honestly im not even sure ive ever flashed this mobo. but if there is a bios update or some other fix to allow me to use both of my 8800 gt's on this please let me know. it feels like such a waste to have an extra video card thats not doing anything in my system.
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