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About Ph4lc0n

  • Birthday 03/18/1984

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    BC, Canada

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  1. I've been doing some more researching, and I thought I'd post back just in case someone else is having the same kind of problem. The clicking noise I've been hearing, is (so I've been told) the RAM not being able to initialize. This is usually because of the power supply. Depending on the ram, Gigabyte says that you should have at least 14-15A capacity on the +12V power coming from your power supply (Hint: Look on the sticker on the side of it). My PSU only allows for 10A to be drawn. This must mean that when I change a setting such as the multiplier, it can't always get enough power to write to the CMOS, and start up the computer at the same time. Once in a while I get lucky and it works, but I am just on the verge. My next upgrade will surely be a new power supply.
  2. Ok, thanks for the info. I should have done more investigating of my chip before I paid $80 Canadian dollars for that kit (after shipping, conversion, and duty) Oh well. Now, I have my multiplier up to 11.5 and am slowly moving it up, and testing. Only one problem still: Whenever I change my multiplier, or connect an IDE device, the computer won't boot at all. I can usually solve this by turning it off and on and pressing the reset button numerous times. It usually takes me 15 minutes or so though, and is a major pain in the butt. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I have a Gigabyte 7VAX motherboard, and am running no-name 256mb pc2100 ram (for now), and have a Geforce 4 mx440 if that helps. My cooling is sufficient as well.
  3. Hi, I just purchased an xp unlocking kit, and started to apply it. I quickly realized that I don't have the "Gaps" that everyone seems to talk about that need to be filled to unlock the multiplier. I pulled apart my dad's computer and he has an older 1600+, and now I know what everyone is talking about. Anyway, on the instructions it told me that I could still unlock my cpu by bridging L3 #5 (last on the right). I tried this, and it didn't seem to work. Whenever I try to change the multipler (via dip switches on my GA-7AX) my computer will not boot. Even after that, when I change the multiplier back to the original automatic setting or the default multiplier for my chip, it still will not boot without me turning it off and on and resetting it a number of times. Is this to do with my motherboard, or do I just have a "new style" of chip that is bad for overclocking? Would I be better off if I traded my dad chips, and unlocked the 1600+? Thx in advance, Ph4lc0n
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