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  1. going on 17 hours, want to push it more but i want to make sure this is stable first
  2. 14 hours so far after i hit 24 im goin to try 400 x 9 http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9231/untitledoe4.png
  3. 3.15ghz stock vcore still testing http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=175714 http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/7157/315do1.png
  4. still at stock volts and heatsink, im pretty sure i can run my firestix @ 3-3-3-8 @ 300 im at 300 x 9 http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc?id=175676 http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/8882/untitledqa5.png
  5. yep waiting for my ultra-120 backplate to come sorry about image being to big put heres what i have so far http://img505.imageshack.us/img505/9599/untitledqp6.png
  6. temps are so identical not like my X2 which one core was 4 c hotter than other
  7. well nvm i started to figure it out myself and so i started to overclock with stock heatsink on here is first shot at trying
  8. hey raiderfan do you think you can list what bios option u have disabled and enable to get those clocks, so i can try and copy them to see if i can hit that as well. would really appreciate it redrumy3
  9. Hey, Im usually over @ ocf but im trying to find a guide that was made for just the ds3 showing what to disable, etc for overclocking i had the website but i just formatted and can't find it. Or if someone with a Ds3 on this forum has a thread on it please link me im searching the forums now for one. sorry about posting this if someone already has Redrumy3
  10. thanks alot. im going with forton blue storm as the psu for now
  11. well i can confirm that it doesnt work with my board going to get a refund, and can someone tell me if there suppose to be a jumper on this part here , would appreciate it
  12. the modstream 24pin is really short compared to the other cables. but it dont matter about that im going to try and build outside tomorrow morning, thanks for the reply, yea i know spend more on powersupply , just that on low on cash cause of recent stuff that happened, but yea i guess ill save a lil more for the power supply.. okay i have a ocz 450watt which on using now works fine, just got a new harddrive and enermax liberty, i tried just having cpu ram and video card and i hit power and fans spin, but the light on motherboard is lit and so is the light by ram. just doesnt want to boot, im going to take out motherboard and try it outside of case to make sure everything it good, sorry for the little information i was doing rma's for my ram and harddrives lol. as for fsp epsilon, i heard good things about those and good things with the forton blue storm so if anything ill try and see what i can get , sell some stuff maybe for it but i dont do any extreme overclocking, just bump my ram to run at ddr500 speed , thats all. i just read about the floppy power connector never knew about that ill try that tomorrow as well hope i can get this thing running
  13. Hey, Well I didn't know about the issues with enermax liberty and dfi boards that some people have and i think im one of them, anyway i just received it today and hooked everything up and tried to turn it on and fans spin for 2 secs and turn off and keeps doing that, im going to try it in my friends computer tomorrow to see if powersupply is faulty or not, if its the powersupply not working properly with dfi board what do u recommend in the 80-90 zone for powersupply, i was thinking about the forton blue storm 500w powersupply. wondering why im not keeping ocz is b/c the cables are to short for my case and so its really tight and i dont like it other than that ocz is awesome
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