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  1. lol then there we have it, on Msi slot 1 is closet to cpu, och dfi closest is slot 4, then why didnt u guys say that in the beginning?
  2. Well, THAT is the problem, as i wrote before! Slot 1 & 2 doesnt work with none of the sticks, only slot that works is 3! Tried all slots with both single sticks and dual..
  3. Well, first time Dfi user, mostly used Msi before. So that is why I asked. Single sticks in different slots worked on my Msi neo/fi.
  4. How come single stick only works in slot 2? Shouldn´t a single stick work in alla slots?
  5. Ok, the working stick works in slot 2 as I said (not near cpu), the other stick doesnt. I´ll try the yellow slots anyway. (writing from computer right now) So really i need 2 sticks to test MB, slot 1 & 2, because if one of my sticks are broken then i cant try if 1 & 2 works. So my conclution is that one stick is broken and maybe MB too. (If 1 & 2 works with 2 other sticks mb is ok)
  6. Do I need to clear cmos everytime i change positions or rams?
  7. I´ve tried both Ram´s now. Trying to find another Ram stick to borrow and try. None of the sticks work in Slot 1 near cpu and 1 of them works in slot 3 (next orange), the other stick doesn´t want to work at all, speaker just beeps, Do I need to try the yellow slots too? The stick that works in slot 3 runs memtest without problems. Smells like ram and mb RMA right now.. (TwinX ram and I need to rma both)
  8. It began yesterday, got messages all the time that "exekvation" protection thing closed my programs and after that I got no response from computer. Restarting gave me BSOD @ windows login and when I tried to reinstall windows it said "syntax error 2017" and BSOD´s all the time. So, I tried memtest with the TMOD cd and when it was running at 3% I had about 60.000 errors. It works right now but with only 1 ram stick. (In the orange slot = nr 3? (not the one near Cpu, If I put one of the ram´s there computer wont start and just "peeps" from speaker) This computer has been up and running for 6months without problems and OC`ed, and now suddenly it just dies? RMA memory? or MB?
  9. They work as normal when connected to tv etc..
  10. Currently using s/pdif out to my new Marantz reciever and i works nice, only in 2.1 with music but powerdvd gives me 5.1-7.1 så that´s nice. Jumper is set to Nvidia and im using driver 4.62. But my question is, why is the sound in my headset so low? It´s connected to the green output on karajan.. Is it possible to use both Karajan and s/pdif? Changing master volume doesnt help. Anyone got fix for 2.1 problem?
  11. Trying ot OC some more, tried both: 312fsb*9 = 2808mhz on Cpu and 143mem divider = 216mhz @ 3-3-3-6 (Ram´s suck wont do 2.5 over 210mhz) and it works fine Or 280fsb*10 = 2800mhz, but when I choose 150mem divider and restart it dissapears, sometimes its there sometimes not, right now I can only see 140 and 160, whats up with that? Those times I can see 150 and restart it boots with 160 instead! Both 140 and 150 shows 200mhz on memory but in bios 140 shows ddr280 and 150 shows ddr300 I can get it stable @ 280fsb*10 with 150mem divider = 200mhz @ 2.5-3-3-6 when it works. Is it better to have ram´s @ 200mhz 2.5-3-3-6 or 216mhz 3-3-3-6? Any suggestions?
  12. Im running 2700mhz like this: 300fsb *9 = 2700mhz 140mem divider = 207mhz to ram´s HTT 3x and 1.456vcore
  13. Come on, someone...please`? I dont wanna fry my mem´s by putting it to 2.80v in bios when it whows 2.90v.. Tried to search without luck... IS this a bug in bios or what?
  14. I´m running on Corsair 3200C2 2048mb 2*1024mb sticks v2.1 When I choose 2.70v it shows 2.79-2.80v in Bios, Smart guardian reports 2.75v If i set 2.80v and restart it shows me 2.90v in bios, whats up with that? :drool: Using 3/29 bios. And I´ve getting some problems to OC these, they wont go gigher than 210mhz! Currently running 300*9 = 2700mhz and 140mem divider = 207mhz 2.5-3-3-6 (2-3-3-6 works in Windows but not in BF2) But they wont go higher! Tried 3-3-3-6, 3-4-4-7, changed Cpc enable/disable too.. Any ideas?
  15. A64 X2 3800+ "Manchester" @ 9x300 = 2700mhz @ 1,456V - with IHS - DFI NF4 Ultra-D
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