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  1. Update: A proper monitoring of the ATItool is telling me that there are errors. However they are being logged in a text file e.g 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. 2009-04-25 18:33:18 I Artifacts detected after 01:40.40. 2 pixels don't match. Its not saying error at delta ######### like I have seen before, the counter just resets every time it finds an error and logs it to the text document. So is the card truely artifacting? Should I rma it?
  2. Looking for some opinions on what the following screen shot may be caused by - I have ran the Ati artifact tool for well over an hour without issue. I have also ran countless loops of 3d Mark Vantage with out a single crash. This has been a problem I've been having for a while now and it seems to happen mostly when I am booting into Windows, not in games. Also every thing is at stock settings. No overclocks at all. Also I can't make it artifact by running a game etc, it is completely random. It has been happening through all the video card driver revisions I have installed. Installing the drivers and cleaning the system with driver cleaner didn't help either. A complete o/s reinstall didn't solve the problem as well. I have all the latest m/b drivers and bios installed.
  3. Ok have done a little googling and this may be the soluition for you. But before you try what I found have you tried flashing the latest bios? The most recient one for your board is dated 19/12/08 here if so - Reset your bios using the motherboard jumper and remove the battery for a few mins and then replace it. Go into ur bios and load the setup defults, save and restart the computer and then setup your bios as required.
  4. Is there nothing in the manual about the code? Also is this a newly setup rig or has the problem started to happen reciently? Can you put ur full system specs in your sig so we can help you better
  5. Yea I meant an Core i7 1366 32nm version . I sold my CD2 rig before the x58 platform was released and before all the reviews from a gamers prospective were out. Dumb on my part but Ive got no choice but to make the move now. Would be double dumb of me to go back to CD2 . Prices for the Core i7 are coming down quickly. My favorite e-tailer has dropped the Price of the Core i7 Extreme has dropped the price over $300 Au over the last couple of weeks. Ive also seen drops of over $600! Check out this link Price Spy Australia.
  6. The GTX 260's and 280's are currently based on the 65nm technology. Only the 9800GTX+ is 55nm at this point. There is a rummored 55nm GTX 270, 290 in the works at the moment. Ill be gamming at 1920x1200 and want to be able to play games like crysis at that resolution with highest possible settings. I was consisdering setting up a tri sli config but all the reviews show no real gain any way. Ill be hanging on to what ever I upgrade to until something next gen rather than a refresh comes from either ATI or Nvidia.
  7. Hi guys. I am trying to decide on setting up an x58 sli or quad rig. Ive always been a bit of a Nvidia fan boy but the "Gainward Radeon 4870 X2 Rampage700 GS GLH Edition" has got me drooling . Can you guys tell me if this is a good card or if id be better waiting around for a 55nm Nvidia GTX card to be released? Cheers guys
  8. Yes the LGA 1156 is in the works. My guess is that this will cater to the low end market and will sell along side the LGA 1366. Well probably see a 32nm 1366 chip as wel. Just wouldn't make sense to replace a brand new socket within a year.. Correct me if I'm wrong
  9. I thought it wasn't supposed to come out until Nov 17Th.. Has been released early for some reason. I am going to wait for the EVGA x58 board to come out before buying.. What are others planned setups?
  10. Has anyone tried the new x58 platform yet? Its been out almost a week here and there has aready been a $150 price drop of the Core i7 Extreme.
  11. Does any one know of a mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky that lets you run all the time with out getting exhausted? Ive been googling for ages and can only find mods for the original stalker. Cheers.
  12. Magel

    Farcry 2

    Some interesting comments here. Ive only played it till you walk out of the room you first wake up in. Was pretty impressed with the graphics. Will start it again when ive finished stalker cs. Hopefully I like the game unlike some unhappy chaps here...
  13. Yea I prefer to game at higher resolutions and sacrifice game detail. Resolutions below 1600x1200 on my monitor look to weird no matter what the detail is, its capable of 1920x1200. I suppose its just personal preference. Its still a wild game no matter what it looks like though lol.
  14. Finished it aswel. Though a little bit short I enjoyed every minute of it. Definitely worth the cash. I played the game on the 'mainstream' setting. It runs alot smoother than the original. Played it the whole way through without a single crash. Tried running it on 'gamer' but my 9800's are not quite up to the challenge. Not even going to bother with the 'enthusiast' setting.
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