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  1. I want to buy 2 sticks of 1GB memory for my system. I found this in newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820161679 It says it's for AMD systems only, and some people had incompatibility problems. The stick are called: WINTEC AMPO 1GB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM DDR 400 (PC 3200). Some users say it's a 4x128 stick, that's why it doesn't work on all the systems. Does anyone know if these sticks will wokr on my NF3 250Gb?. Thanks in advance
  2. Your OS does not support LBA48. You either need Linux, Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP SP2 (included in the installer CDs). Do NOT try to write anything to the disk if the setups detect 130GB, because you'll have problems later. If this is a secondary drive, make sure you have Windows XP SP1 or Windows 2000 SP3 and then install the correspondin, or use this tool: http://www.48bitlba.com/enablebiglba.htm
  3. If you read my posts, you'll see that the version I always recommend is 5.10, and the one I use for a long time. 5.10 have no network issues, as I use the network driver too. BUT you just have to disable "checksum offload" in the options for them to work, and this is one of the things I'm talking about too. How do they ship a driver with certain option ON by default if said option breaks functionality?. There's lots of little things that bug you out, and subsequent versions of the drivers do not fix them, but make them worse (Windows couldn't boot with xx driver installed). Nvidia should issue a final driver version that has no errors whatsoever, because yeah, the thing should work at least, right?
  4. This is the only nVidia board I have, and the first motherboard that I know I have no choice but to use only one version of drivers (5.10) or I'll have problems. If it's not the ethernet it's the IDE driver. Drivers are poor, and you'd expect a wider range of available 100% stable drivers. It's not my experience only, but all the LP3 250Gb's owners. I don't have 4 computers, just this one and I use it 24/7, so my concern for drivers and stability should be founded, right?
  5. 5.10 are the most stable ones. Never had problems with them. It's very sad Nvidia has the shittiest drivers ever.
  6. I'm curious. Did you install Windows XP SP1 or SP2? If the Windows installer only sees 130GB, you don't have LBA48 enabled. This will cause you trouble in the future. If you can, I suggest you get a Windows XP SP2 CD and reinstall with that CD. You do have to recreate the partition too, cause that 130GB partition will be faulty with LBA48. I messed my partition table with one of these problems. I recommend you to recreate your partitions with a LBA48-enabled OS (Windows 2000 SP4 or Windows XP SP2).
  7. D367PRTSCSI Controller..... Do you have SCSI drives? You don't. I think this is Daemon Tools driver that Vista is complaining about. Check if you have Daemon Tools!
  8. It's not the RAM, of course. If you ever built computers with spare parts you'll notice some motherboards won't even accept more than 1 stick at a time (old MSI KM2M, would just accept 128, or 256, or 512 sticks, but not mixed). Whenever you buy new RAM, you better buy 2 matched sticks, be them 2x512MB or 2x1GB, so the motherboard won't have problem running them.
  9. You CAN do it. You SHOULD NOT do it. If you do it, you'll end with a dead motherboard.
  10. 5.11 drivers have problems. Use 5.10 for better stability.
  11. You don't need to "format" to reinstall Windows. Get BartPE, it's Windows XP that runs from a CD. Then copy all the files on C: to C:Backup. Reinstall Windows. You're done. No "format" needed.
  12. My WD SATA2 HDD is working without a jumper. For what I read, only some chipsets (VIA for example) require the jumper for proper operation. Don't worry about SATA2, since there's no HDD capable of speeds faster than 150MB/s (SATA1).
  13. As msmolt said, 5.10 drivers are the best. Try with them, and them try the rest of the options. 5.11 are known for giving lots of problems.
  14. Hmm, I read that you were running Norton Internet Security. I uninstalled it from a friend's computer that was running and trashing like crazy. Now the computer runs very fast. Try uninstalling it, not just disable it. Norton Internet Security memory and CPU footprint may be ruining your computer's performance as it did to my friend's.
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