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About jrobins

  • Birthday 10/20/1981

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I dont have time to spend more than a half hour a day. I have a full time job and a part time job, and a girlfriend. And a Playstation 2. They all take up time.
  2. Shibby! How long did it take and what did it cost?
  3. Actually first we blind our enemies with maple suryp, then we call the french canadian lumber jacks to fight for us
  4. Wow, Im suprised there is so many people with military service. Thats sweet.
  5. Mounties are federal police, very similar to FBI. We also have a modern Army, and a somewhat more out of date Air Force and Navy. We use lots of American vehicles, such as the F-18 (we call it the CF-18) and the LAV 25.
  6. Thats truely not funny guys. Just because our head of state was too chicken to fight on our allies side doesnt mean us soldiers didnt want to help out.
  7. Why not? Im in the Canadian Army, so I was interested.
  8. Whats DoD and DoE? Im from Canada, so I dont you guy's stuff
  9. How bout to keep up with your matrix theme, "Team Free Your Mind"
  10. I hope your just having fun with that and not that hardcore into the Matrix. Its just a movie dude.
  11. Thats right man, make em bleed, thats my motto
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