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  1. This is a great poll...Now we get to see how these babies really cook...I was surprised that no one was believing my 2.5Ghz overclock at 1.39 volts...I mean the 4600+ does 2400Mhz at that same voltage right? So what's another 100MHz...
  2. Dude! I'm not a 10 year old kid trying to show off or anything...In fact I'm new to this overclocking thing altogether...Havn't overclocked my CPU since 1997 when I was actually working for Intel out in Chandler, AZ. LOL... So I came home early for work since I'm off on vacation next week and Prime 95 was still running the torture test! So I figured around 11 hours is enough justification right? Here are the pics...We can lay this "legitimate" overclocking to rest! I have to add that the x2 3800+ kicks total butt! No reason for me to have gotten the 4600+ at all!!! And I believe the Opteron 165 is a better value than either the 4400+ and 4600+...At over half the cost too! This top pic I sorta screwed up on as I pasted it twice in Paint...But it shows the load temps I'm getting on my chip... This second one is after I turned it off...The normal idle temp is around 32...
  3. Probably 104% then...I set it on the first one...
  4. What is reported in Windows...MB5... I know I set it at 106% so it must be at 1.31 for the vcore...
  5. Mine is just a Manchester cor I bought last month...I think it was an E4 as reported by MB5...BH I think was the first two letters...I'll have to go home and check up on it again...I could be wrong in reporting the voltage...I'm using MB5, which reports the volts and I am not sure what the standard error is for that tool...
  6. Haha...Ok...I don't think that 2.5Ghz is really a stretch at 1.40 volts. My default volt was like 1.29 at 2.0Ghz....I was able to get it to 2.3Ghz with that voltage, but when I moved up to 2.4 and 2.5 I had to boost it up to the present 1.39. BTW...It does fluctuate a little up to 1.42 when I check out the MB5 dashboard when running Prime....2.6 to 2.8 on 1.4 volts, now that's a bit of stretching. Well I got up at 6am this morning and turned it on, when I left for work at 7:30am it was still running...I guess we will see when I get home...BTW...My apartment gets really cold when I leave as I turn my heat off...And because it is so cold in the city today I don't think I'll have any issues with heat...Not a true test I guess with how my normal environment settings are, but I don't want to turn my heat on for the sake of QA testing and running up a large butt electric bill...LOL
  7. I'm just lucky I guess...I ran dual prime stable for 12 hours...I started it when I went to work and when I came home it was still running...Didn't take any screen shots...But I could do it again tomorrow.
  8. I have the XP-90 installed in a medium tower...So technically the heat pipes are facing the wrong direction (sideways, not up and down) as well, but Thermaltake still says the heat pipe should work...I wonder if it will really work if you have your entire motherboard upside down...And so far it does...My temps at idle aruond around 32-33 and peak at 38-39 on full load...I'm running at a 2.5GHz overclock as well...
  9. I get mine to 2.5GHz with only 1.39v....Maybe I just got lucky...I'm also using a XP-90 and a NeoPower supply which provides some really clean and efficient power to my entire system...
  10. Try installing the newest nforce drivers they released yesterday. I believe it added support for your card.
  11. Wow...51 on load? I have mine overclocked to 2.5 GHz and it barely reaches 40...Although I'm using a XP-90 :nod:
  12. I'm down to 30C...It's getting cold here in NYC...I left my window open while I was at work and found the temps down to 28...The kicker...I'm overclocked to 2500...Using dual prime it gets up to 40...With the window open it stays at 38.
  13. Yeah...The Opteron sounds like a really good alternative...I wonder if AMD would be shooting themselves in the foot if all their customers knew how to overclock and would just basically buy the x2 3800 and overclock it to x2 4600 speeds w/ stock heat sink...They would be losing tons of money! I guess they just make too damn good of a processor... The original reason I was asking is that I saw this article on AMDZone http://www.amdzone.com/modules.php?op=modl...rtid=200&page=1 I can't wait to see how the performance stacks up...Perhaps a x2 4400 and a 165 Opteron overclocked to 2200Mhz...Would be very interesting...
  14. I believe stock volts are anywhere between 1.35 to 1.45 as per AMD's web site...Though when I first got mine and had it at auto it hovered around 1.29 no probs...I have since overclocked and it now stands at 1.39 at 2.5GHz...Nice right? Also using a XP-90...
  15. So I was thinking... The dual core Opterons are esentiallly Toledo's right? In every way they are probably the same as 1MB L1 cache Athlon 64 X2's right? So if I could get a Dual Core Opteron 165 for $299 is that better than the a simialrly priced X2 3800?
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