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  1. yeah, i still dunno about them...no reviews out for one thing...20pin connection...and other things that keep me from really wanting to buy them. The MSI is just as good with a better known company. As for the DFI, I wish we could get more information out on them!
  2. Well thats confusing...I got Jacky and Greta (jacky is from the US office i believe) to confirm this.. Can you atleast explain the mixed messages? I'm just trying to find a good mATX board, I can wait for a month or so...I have 2 saying DFI is making one and you saying its not. Obviously I believe you some because I have my doubts which is why I keep asking questions. Although in 2 months or so we will know.
  3. Or just trade them in for some new ones because they have a lifetime warrenty
  4. you never know though...mATX is making a comeback I think. Maybe people are liking the new sff cases like the qpack and cheming cases. I could easily see DFI going with a "hybrid" board if you will...benefits of mATX with onboard video but at the same time having some OCing opitions. The C51 chipset seems to be pretty nice..we will just have to see.
  5. I think it might have some OCing opitions...it will have gigabite ethernet and SATAII atleast. I thought the C51 was based on the nForce 4 though.
  6. Yes they are going to do a 939 mATX board based on the C51 series chipset. Anyone that doesn't believe me can give me their email and I will forward the emails to them..I sent out 3 "confirmation" emails...and that Greta girl wrote me back saying...
  7. This just in from Jacky at DFI... "Yes, we will have new series using Nvidia new C51 series all in one chipset for 939 mATX and it is targeting for Q3 availability. DFI" Here is what I sent... Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 12:47 PM To: sales Subject: mATX sale question Good afternoon, I have recently received an email from a lady by the name of Greta who is a Sales Manager for DFI and she told me that there were plans for a micro-ATX socket 939 board due out in Q3 from DFI. About 2 days later I heard from someone else CLAIMING to be a DFI employee that there are NO plans for a mATX socket 939 motherboard in the near future from DFI. I was just hoping if you might be able to clarify this for me so I can be sure and make the correct purpose when it comes time to get my new motherboard (which will be mATX for the x-qpack). I really hope DFI is making one because their boards have worked great for me in the past! Thanks for you help and have a great weekend. Here is the email from Greta: Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your email and glad to hear that you are satisfied with DFI. Yes, we wil have mATX socket 939 and the available time should be end of Q3. Just for your reference. Best regards, Greta Kuo Sales Manager Tel: 886-2-26942986 ext. 659 Fax: 886-2-26943221 MSN: [email protected] SKYPE: gretakuo1964 www.dfi.com Design For Innovation
  8. If there are no plans then why did the Sales Manager tell me that there would be? I will email them again and find out for sure.
  9. I think I broke the story on this one No one else has a clue whats going on.
  10. I wanna know what the angry gamer guy has to say since he claims to work for DFI. Hopefully the sales rep wouldn't lie
  11. I emailed DFI about a mATX motherboard and here is the response...it kinda differs from what that angry guy was saying... -------------------------- Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your email and glad to hear that you are satisfied with DFI. Yes, we wil have mATX socket 939 and the available time should be end of Q3. Just for your reference. Best regards, Greta Kuo Sales Manager Tel: 886-2-26942986 ext. 659 Fax: 886-2-26943221 MSN: [email protected] SKYPE: gretakuo1964 www.dfi.com Design For Innovation ---------------------------------
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