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  1. Oh balls. Sorry I thought you were talking about Chipset voltage. My CPU is at 1.6v, and will be taken up to 1.65v later to see if I can get it 3Ghz stable. Its watercooled, and currently only hitting low forties under full load.
  2. Aye, but the temps aren't going over 35*C, so what does it matter?
  3. Well, with 1.55v LDT I cant get my Opty past 2.5Ghz. With 1.85v its 2.9Ghz Prime stable.
  4. Mate of mine had one....."Had" being the defining word there as the caps blew out on him and took his CPU with it. Socket A, don't know the exact model. I do know however he wasnt even overclocking it....
  5. Over 260HTT I'm at 1.75v on the chipset. I think it stays about 31*C or so.
  6. 711 Bios. Using PATA drives so the SATA 1+2 lack of a lock isnt an issue to me. I would be a bit worried giving the chipset 1.95v, with the stock fan, what temps are you getting on it? Are you using the stock cooler?
  7. Urgh. Anyone got any suggestions as to how I could get this Opty over 3Ghz 24/7 stable? It's already 2T.
  8. Spec in sig. as usual for this forum. Was fiddling with the Opty last night and discovered 2.85Ghz using an 11x multiplier is completely stable, but any time I try to raise the Mem clock over 260Mhz, it just makes a hash of things. For some reason this board doesnt have a 9/10 memory divider, only 4/5, and 2/3 and then the raised multipliers of the Rev. E chips (210/200, 230/200, 250/200). I'm guessing the CPU hasn't hit the wall yet, as I've had it running at 3.3Ghz using a low memory divider (though it did get very toasty at that) and its only failing the large iterations in Prime, not small. Would it be possible to get the 9/10 (180/200) divider in a different BIOS....that would let me keep the mem. clock at 260Mhz and the HTT at 288Mhz (which at 11x would give me a 3168Mhz Opty. Shame its not happy with the high mem. clock, but nevermind. I'll tighten the timings down instead. So, is there another BIOS out there for the Ultra-D that lets you use a 9/10 memory divider? Sorry about the messiness of this post, its part copied and pasted from elsewhere. the voltages currently are 1.6v on the Opty (its watercooled), 1.75 on the Chipset, 2.9v on the Mem. AGP locked at 68Mhz. Memory running at 2.5-4-3-8 (loose I know, but was trying to get it stable). Cheers if you can even understand my post enough to give an awnser.
  9. Try a few benchmarks, and see if it actually made a positive or negative difference.
  10. I'm in the UK, so I ordered from CpuCityStore What do you mean "On my own"? Surely I'm still allowed to ask questions about it, only the DFI Employees aren't allowed to reply?
  11. Hi, I just ordered an Soc. 939 Opty 148 (CABNE 0528 GPMW) and the DFI NF3 Ultra-D motherboard. Will it boot if I flash it to the latest official DFI Bios? (The CPU is effectively a re-badged FX-57) I know DFI doesnt officially support them, I was just wondering if anyone else here is using a Soc. 939 Opty on an NF3 board. Cheers!
  12. Question as in title, also if I was to put a Soc. 939 Opteron on a DFI NF3 Ultra motherboard, would this work fine? With what BIOS? What RAM is the Optys Favorite? (BH5 or TCCD) Cheers!
  13. I've really no idea. There was a page open a minute ago on my Firefox with a list of the BIOS'es for all DFI motherboards, and now I've went and closed it accidently, and can't find the link again. Perhaps its best I stick with the official BIOS.
  14. Alright, I give up, and lay my BIOS chip wide open for someone with a little more knowledge than me to suggest what to put in there. I'm confused, there rather too many random letters and numbers in this part of the forum, and I've no idea what BIOS to choose from here, up until now I've been playing it safe and using the official BIOS's. So....what Beta BIOS should I be using in my system (see sig.)? I've only just got the G.Skill RAM and will be putting it in the PC tonight, so I fugured I may as well get a BIOS thats designed for TCCD while I'm at it. So...any experts want to tell me what BIOS I should be using?
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