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Everything posted by crazyeyes

  1. Well another question would the OCZ Platinum Revision 2 memory would that be better than the Corsair Twinx1024-3200XL memory i was originally thinking about. I am looking to do some ocing i don't want to go crazy with it. I am hoping to oc my chip to FX speeds maybe even higher and i want to get memory that isn't garbage but will run fast. I am using a single Asus 6600GT graphics card with 550mhz/1100mhz stock speeds and hope to eventually step up to two of them in sli but the budget doesn't allow for that right now. So i guess i am looking for the best performance for price on memory. I am new to high quality memory so i don't exactly know what to look for. I am looking to stay strictly $200 max for a 1GB of memory. Well i was doing some research on some stuff and i am wondering now if i were to wait and spend more on memory would this memory be worth the extra $100 here is the link http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820227215 any suggestions would be great thanks.
  2. Thanks any specific ocz memory that i should consider or is that all up to personal preference?
  3. sorry i am new to the site didn't know that there was a guide to the mobo. Well i have an ultra x-connect psu and they sell a cable that goes from the 20 pin on the psu to 24 pin on the board. Will that work?
  4. Hey I am buying the listed mobo and i was wondering do you need to use a 24 pin power plug or can you use a 20 pin power plug?
  5. Hey guys i am actually looking to build a system with the same mobo and processor as rifter but i will have an asus 6600GT and a seagate 160GB SATA NCQ hdd. I am looking at Corsair Twinx1024-3200C2 or Twinx1024-3200XL i am just wondering is the xl worth the extra $70 over teh C2. Any suggestions on this would be great thanks.
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