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  1. well this is gay... think i might ditch this dfi and get an asus or something... theres always something buggy with the dfi's
  2. Well ive tried it like THunDA's and it still fails to boot !
  3. so are you saying if he uses the 8-4 pin adapter it should all work as there all under load??
  4. Right weell i only got the PSU the other day and it came with a test sheet... Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 If i get a chance i might try and do the MM tests tomorow.
  5. I have a multi meter but im not sure how to test the voltages..? got a guide..? the mobo isnt grounding cos it works fine without those 2 extra contections plugged in. auxillary's..? which are those..?
  6. Yes i see both the yellow LED's, when i press the power button the fans spin for a millisecond then nothing happens, if i try the power button again nothing happens. if i then turn the power of on the PSU and let the yellow LED's go out and try again i get the fans to spin again and thats it i have to go through the whole prcess again. i see no re LED's. as soon as i take the molex and floppy connecters of it all works..
  7. Hi all, I looked at this thread and noticed the 4-Pin molex and floppy connectors must be plugged in for stability, and as ive been having issues i decided to try it out but my problem is when i plug them in my PC will not boot..? :confused: Any ideas why..?
  8. Right ive now found out that my boards HT will not go over 1150, not even if i increase the voltage.. it always crashs. Im still ahving trouble getting my memory stable above 200 aswell,,,,,,, im pretty sure its not the chip as ive had about 9 A64 cpus in this board and not 1 has aloud me to run my mem over 200 fsb so im guessing its gotta be the board.. Ive tried things ive people have suggested in another post that i made but it just hasnt helped. other post wot should i do..?
  9. Hi all, I have a revision A00 SLI-DR and i was wondering if the raid controlers on this board are locked cos whenever i try and go over 200 fsb i can never get into windows, even if everything is underclocked IE CPU MEM. the only thing i can think of is that the raid controlers are not locked. what do you all think..?
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