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  1. I would have thought....... that the 92mm was the best for cooling.... I mean... it shifts the most air........ and as it 'hangs over the edges' is MUST aid cooling around the base ?? would it not.... I remember the first time i hooked up the 92mm tornado............ I had it on my desk............ and the thing lifted off the desk and flew off the edge )to the length of the wire........ AMAZING amount of power !!!!
  2. When I was Building Mine ( a few years back now) , the majority of people said that you can't get better than the SP97.... ..... They were few and far between then !!!! But I managed to get one !! I built my sister a rig and managed to get one for her aswell.!! I put a Tornado on mine and it barely went to 33'c I've gone back to a simple 92mm fan as the tornado is MENTAL !!! I have a spare SLK947u if anyone is interested along with a 92mm tornado...... Both in original boxes
  3. bArtAA, :angel: THANKS for Pointing me in the correct direction.......... I was having a 'blonde moment' I'd forgotten everything and was panicking.... argghhhh Now typing this on my baby !! copied the i386 file over and Jobs a good'un.................. Still can't find the original... but got a back up now
  4. Oh My........ I'm pulling my hair out..... I've had reason to 'archive my Lpb for a while..... only getting it out on High days and Holidays........ (kids) I've recently 'been allowed' to set it up.... and it's been working most eXceLLent for the past 2 months or so............ On the weekend, I only get the NTLDR is missing error FFS To top it ALL............. I caNNot, for LoVe nor Money find the Sil floppy disc or Driver CD...... I've tried using my XP disc to 'Repair' it... but can't do anything without the Sil floppy.......:eek: I ALWAYS keep it in the Lpb Box............. BUT They're GONE :eek2: ..... Kids - I bet !! would anyone be able willing to send over a copy of the CD and Floppy ? PLEASE.......... I can then try and correct the Error..... WORST case a Reinstall....... Obviously costs incurred will be settled..........:cool: MANY thanks in advance Phil (kicking myself)
  5. I know it's a bit late in the day...... but heree's some troubles i experienced with the XP3200 amd over come it..... Sounds EXACTLy like yours... I don't get to pop in so often now.... and she's still running STRONG http://www.diy-street.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1837
  6. Hi guys... thanks for the repsonses............ as you can see from the post..... i'm up quite late for me... !! Just had a new arrival to the family (2nd Son) , little time to respond..... ............... little time to do anything now..... So... it's not as good........ Spotted up fro grabs, and thought it may be a good buy.......... I'm better of getting the 2400/2500/2600 then........ Cheers Phi
  7. Hi guys........ Wonder could anyone give me some feed back on the above ?? I just spotted it forsale, and was wondering how good they were....... Only heard about the XP M 2400, 2500 & 2600 Thanks in advance Phil
  8. Some Spec details would be useful.......... But in the meantime...... try holding the insert key down just before you power up...and hold it there until you know either way if the system has booted sucessfully..... Phil
  9. Yup................ I've changed the multi and clock speed and the Ghz reflects correctly....... 230 x 10 = 2300hz am I missing sumthin'ere ?? Should this be happening ?? Phil
  10. Well............. I was right............. couldn't wait..... HAD to have a look..... Yup, one above is the one I sent back Below is mine........ different details, but stil 04..... Anyone care to enlighten me with the details of mine.. ?? Many thanks in advance...
  11. OMG Having 'successfully' loaded XP...... updates.... antivirus.... etc etc onto my mates 'new PC' ...... I gave it back to him....... I was expecting a cal to tell me about a BSOD.............. but NO............. He says there is NO sound...... WTF...... This was the only thing I did not test........... I've had a look at it............. done the Nvidia Storm sound setup.......... plugged the speaker jack into each socket .... and Nowt.... Reinstall the drivers from the disc..... and still nowt.... With the Nvidia setup........ it shows the equalisers....... and they move quite happily wile playing a CD......... however NOWT Outta the speakers..... (Speakers are working and tried an alternative set.....) Any suggestions?? Seperate sound card ?? Many thanks in advance Phil
  12. Mmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :confused: If it is locked............. I shouldn't be able to change the multi...... should I ?? I have done and checked it with CpuZ..... which confirmed it.... along with the FSB... mmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhh :confused: I'm thinking that the above picture, may be in fact the xp3200 that was sent back.............. and the Blurry piccies are of mine !!! LOL :shake: I'll be taking mine apart this weekend to confirm........ Phil
  13. Well.............. I did take loadsa photo's of it while I was installing it and having the trouble............ but I cannot beleive it :sad: ........... they are ALL out of focus.......... there is one that 'may' allow you to identify it (if you got a good eye - and know what you are looking for) I'll have to post it up after, to see if some of you hawk eyes can manage it !! However, this is mine..... which works a treat! :shake: Any comments
  14. Just thought I'd update you.......... Had a refund for the Xp3200............ ........... purchased another........ :nod: - Oh NO !! I hear you cry !! Got it yesterday............ installed it........... ALL seems to be fine.... Funny thing is........ I have a single stick of unbranded memory in there PC3200 cl 2.5 3 3 3 8 .................. I upped the RAM to 3v just to be on the safe side..... I've loaded XP..... all the updates........loaded software onto it...... left it run over night ................ still on the same screen this morning !!!!!! I have also installed a SATA drive to replace the 'aged' IDE ones my freind had..... and put each optical drive on it's own channel............. Suggested he bins the IDE drives !!! :shake: Oh yeah.......... all on the 11/24 bios........ Given it back to him this morning.............. and await any phone cals with the words BSOD in them LOL Cheers Phil
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