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  • Computer Specs
    FULL Tower Case
    AMD 6400+ X2
    DUAL EVGA7950 KO Video Cards in SLI Mode
    4GB 667 Memory
    1GB Network Card
    Sound Blaster Audigy 2
    5.1 Logitech Surround Speaker System
    G7 Logitech Mouse
    G15 Logitech Keyboard

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I nominate "The unforgivin" for being the most unforgivin user on this board
  2. Ok I am here....Trying to help get this over 40. Sometimes I wish I was not over 40. lol
  3. Well I think I found my answer for maint. I found this in another forum... For what solution to use, I recommend about 90% distilled water, 10% pentosin antifreeze (that is what the VW/Audi blue and Toyota red antifreezes are). You can also find it online by the quart. I just went ahead and bought an entire gallon of Toyota red from the dealer for less than $20. I have enough to watercool for a long time. Along with this, add a couple of drops of any fish aquarium algaecide (pet section at Walmart- $3), and about 6-8 drops of alcohol-free povidone iodine (also walmart- $4) to act as a biocide. This will give you enough to drain/refill for a long time, and with this mix, you will not have growth problems.
  4. Well I am still fooling around with this cooling thing. I was using Asus's PC Probe II, and then started to use SpeedFan (but could not figure out which were the 2 cores). Now I found "Core Temp 0.96.1" , It shows both my core temps as about 21 - 22C. Which seems to match a lot of the others here. I have done some looking around as to which one to believe. On SpeedFan I did find "AMD K8" listed but it looked like it only listed one core. Do most here use Core Temp?
  5. Interesting.... I see multiple answers... What type of maintenance does the system require? [Top] Very little. The reservoir level should be checked every 6-12 months, and refilled if necessary (which tends to be rare). We also recommend replacing the liquid in your system every 2-3 years, or if it becomes murky or discolored. Additional Koolance liquid coolant can be purchased inexpensively from Koolance.com, or your local dealer. And How do i flush my LCS? First take the LCS out of the Chassis. 2)Unplug line going into the pump. 3)put line into cleaning solution(water). 4)place line from the water reservoir into empty bucket. 5)Run the system outside of case. Water will run through system. Thermaltake recommends flushing tubes every 3-5months maybe it has to do with the coolent Thermaltake uses...Thats why I asked here.
  6. Ok, all you liquid cool guys and groovy chicks...though I have not seen any chicks here. I have a question regarding the use of valves to help with the flush maint. on a liquid cool system. Well, I just got my first system and am now realizing I have maint. to do every few months. If I add 2 t-valves in line for flushing, I should be able to turn both valves when flushing, one line for bucket of water and the other for evacuation. And if I have screw on connectors on the lines to the buckets I would be able to remove when I am done and turn both valves back to the original position. Has anyone tried this?
  7. Can I use the same radiator? Its built into my case.
  8. Phil, What did you actually try to upgrade? I was thinking if I was going to do it...just the blocks and pump. ask long as your connections are tight what could happen?
  9. Well my case had a place for one more intake fan...dropped the temp by 5 degrees....now 35 idle 39/40 with full load. Even with my 2 vid cards in SLI. Far cry from the 64/65 I had before....
  10. I understand what you are saying, however I have to say I purchased a Blue orb..did nothing (old case). Then I purchased a Zalman 9700 did nothing (old case). I decided to to liquid cool for a couple of reasons. First I run vid cards in SLI and the amd 6400+ black box. They both are running very hot. My old case did not have or had a place to add an intake fan. I could have gotten another air case however my experience with my other case had me concerned that air may not have been the answer. I like the kandalf and while the liquid cooling may not be the "best in class", it does keep my cpu temp between 41 and 44 degrees even under load. I don't overclock much at least not yet. I could probably get another fan and not the liquid cooling if needed. And BTW, I paid $289.00 for the case. One more thing, I guess a question, can't I upgrade the pump and blocks later if needed? I know its costs more but it is an option, correct? I appreciate everyones help and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I had to do something quick...Last time I left the side of my case of for a while, my cat Pissed on the motherboard and fried everything.
  11. Well, I fixed it. Bought a Thermaltake Kandalf LCS Case, has built in liquid cooling. Weights a ton, even though it is all aluminum....works and looks great. Best part my cpu temp hovers between 42 idle and 47 full load....so far. :thumbs-up:
  12. I was having cooling problems...was looking at the cooler Master 830 sli and waiting for the antec twelve hundred. Well I could not wait any more.... Just bought a "Thermaltake Kandalf LCS" Has built in liquid cooling...only 2 Led fans one on front one inside, I hate leds. Heavier than hell but works great.
  13. I was not looking at the PC60....I was looking at the PC80...very new but too expensive.
  14. Yeah, it has been reviewed at a few places (see below). http://forum.ncix.com/forums/displaylink.c....php?item=10161 I called Antec and they said they cannot give me a release date. I heard it was supposed to be before the end of the year, but that did not happen. I was looking at the Antec 900 but it is a MID tower and I need the room and air flow of a full tower. Well Looks like I am down to a: "CM Stacker 810 ATX w/ Real Power 850 SLI" or "Thermaltake Armor VA8000 Tower Case "
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