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Posts posted by compfast

  1. post-20900-1178280552_thumb.jpg





    AMD Sempron 2500+ (1.75 Ghz) MMX 3DNow

    1 Gig DDR RAM

    ATI X1600 Pro 512 MB AGP 8x

    3 hard drives (120 GB)...(40 GB).....(30 GB)

    52x CD Burner

    on board sound ( C-Media 3d)

    Zboard- Gaming keyboard

    Microsoft optical mouse

    450 watt power supply

  2. Thanks for the info guys............another question :)...........what does it mean when you hear your power supply clicking while the computer is on , it sounds like it does when it starts up ?..............


    this started when i got the ati video card that hooks to the power supply??


    the power supply i have is the one that came with this case?:


    10-Bay BIO II ATX Window Case w/450-Watt PS

  3. I was wondering if I need to switch my power suply from 115 to 450 watts?..................i just got a radeon x1600 pro 512 MB and it hooks to the power suply....................i did one of those power usage calulators and i'm using around 306 watts with out the video card ( because i don't know what it uses)..........I'm afraid to try switching it until I know it wont fry my computer..................

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