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Khronos Reveals OpenXR Interoperability Standard for VR and AR and More


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The Khronos Group is the group behind the Vulkan graphics API, amongst other technologies, and with this year's SIGGRAPH, it has decided to reveal its new OpenXR standard. The purpose of OpenXR is to provide a common application-facing API that VR and AR developers and use, instead of needing to go through some other system that may only work with certain VR or AR hardware. This fragmentation can cause confusion for the consumer and difficulties for developers as code may need to be ported to multiple platforms.

Khronos has also brought out its NNEF, Neural Network Exchange Format specification, which like OpenXR is meant to fight fragmentation in the use of neural networks. This too is an open standard and has the hope of allowing portability between frameworks, so developers can go between current solutions such as TensorFlow, Caffe2, Theano, CNTK, and others.

As Phoronix discusses in its item, OpenCL-Next is being developed and is coming as the next major update to OpenCL. Since the release of Vulkan, some have been wondering what will happen to OpenCL and if it might be folded into the low-level graphics API, but now we know it will continue on separately, which makes sense as the two technologies have different purposes. However, some of the developments made with Vulkan will come to OpenCL, which will enable some code to go between the two APIs. We can expect the OpenCL-Next update to come some time in 2019.

Source: Khronos [1] (OpenXR), [2] (NNEF), and Phoronix

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