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it is 3:45PM here in Perth, Australia and when i posted somthing it said like time posted 7:**am , what the hell where is the server located and is this the real time difference?? GEE WIZZ

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CST time zone I belive


you got a nice 4 hrs or so differnce..


I belive its located in alabama.. lol..


I know it says Linux is from Marz.. but I belive hes in Alabamie...

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That's easy to fix man... follow these simple steps.



Click on Your Control Pannel (For the board, not Windows)

Click on Board Settings

Select your time zone in the drop down box

Click "Change my Account Options" to apply the settings.



If your time is an hour off after setting the time zone, go back to that section and click the check box for "Is daylight savings time in effect?" - Though I think that is just a USA thing....

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