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DFI Infinity - Memetest86 error with Kingston HyperX Dual

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Well, i've bought a dual kit of Kingston HyperX Dual 1024/466mhz

I have some troubles... memtest86 show 3 errors, 2 erros on 3º test and 1 error on 6º test, but, it happens with the A module only... the B module has no errors... The dual channel work perfectly and the B module too!

I tried update my bios to newest version, but the errors is on!

I've tried lower FSB like 133 or 166, the same errors happens... i've tried too many timings and... nothing

Someone has a sugestion for me?? I konw the modules is alright because i tested with A64 platform and KT266 an KT600 too and no errors occurred.

My mobo is DFI NFII Ultra Infinity, 2004/07/28 Bios

I have Geil Golden Dragon dual 433/2x256 and works perfectly!

Somebody help me!!!!

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The nforce boards are more picky about their ram than the via boards. I would suspect the ram.


What voltage are you using for the ram, and what timings? Maybe try something like 11-3-3-2.5 at 166MHz maybe a little bit of voltage like 2.8 and see what happens.

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Originally posted by Tedy

which ram exactly.....

Thank you all guys!!!


Kingston Hyper-X PC3700 3-4-4-8 2x512mb

But.. just the "A" module has an error, the "B" module is alright!

Well... i've tried 133FSB and 3,1V with default timings 3-4-4-8

I know the memory is ok, it works perfectly on other motherboards, so, i ask you all:

Is there some advanced configuration, that could help this sticks?

Something different the basic timings...

Or... an bios update could help? I'm using the 2004/07/28 bios

It seems i will have to sell my mobo... :sad:

Thank you again!!!!:)

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7/28 is fairly recent you should be ok.


I would keep the mobo and sell the ram, like I said nf2 motherboards are very picky about their ram, if you buy good ram (they prefer low latency ram as opposed to high frequency ram, i.e. 2-2-2-6 PC3200 as opposed to 3-4-4-8 PC4400. In fact I don't even know if an LP-B would boot with cas latency 3 hehe)

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I don't know anyone who has had good luck with Geil, myself included. If you can find RAM with Winbond BH-5 chips, PQI or OCZ with Samsung TCCD ICs or perhaps Hynix ICs you would see a nice OC. I'm testing 2x512MB of OCZ PC3700 gold rev3 (Hynix) at the moment and it looks like I may be able to run 10x250. I ran memtest all night at 254MHz and Prime for 3.5 hrs at 10x250MHz before I shut down for more tweaking.


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Originally posted by Electric Bill

I don't know anyone who has had good luck with Geil, myself included. If you can find RAM with Winbond BH-5 chips, PQI or OCZ with Samsung TCCD ICs or perhaps Hynix ICs you would see a nice OC. I'm testing 2x512MB of OCZ PC3700 gold rev3 (Hynix) at the moment and it looks like I may be able to run 10x250. I ran memtest all night at 254MHz and Prime for 3.5 hrs at 10x250MHz before I shut down for more tweaking.


Well... i'm lucky with my Geil Golden Dragon! I love this memory, it works perfectly! :D

but, the kingston is not such a way....

Interesting, i am not having many problems with my kingston, it seems good... but memtest and prime are still bad.


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  • 10 months later...

Hello to everyone!

I have a question for you: is there any one who is using gold memory to test his memory? I'm asking about this because I can't make my computer (memory) stable and there are always some errors. It's funny because memtest 86+ v1.65 was running yestertday for more than 11 hours and there wasn't no errors, prime and other things (SuperPi, 3dmark, games) are also stable...

So what now? Is my computer stable or not?

I don't know what to think about it. I've read that nf2 boards are having problems with doublesided memories but could you explain somehow why memtest is ok and goldmemory isn't?

Thanks in advance.

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