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DFI Infinity - Memetest86 error with Kingston HyperX Dual

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Mmm i have always had a problem with goldmem on NF2 mobo, it has something to do with running Dual Channel, goldmem just dont like it at all and always throws out errors.


Me i run memtest and go with what it tells me. NO errors on memtest is good enough for me and mine ;)

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Thanks loggan26 I'm starting to think that way also, but I'm still fighting. Maybe someday I'll find such configuration that there will be no errors in gold memory.Then I'll post it here, maybe someone will need it.


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Well i hope you do find what your looking for man, like i say i tested that GM way back when the NF7 first came out and it would not run without errors. I have tested it on other NF2 mobo as well and could never get it to run in DC. IT would run fine in SC but not DC. Leave it and forget it and move on to a proggy that works, memtest is free and works fine with NFarce2 ;) be cool man and hope you find what your looking for.

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Renato Marcelin, tudo bom!?

Cara, tenta configurar o Slew Rate e o Drive Strenght ..

Outra coisa, essa linha de motherboards não são muito fãs de timings altos.. CAS3 por exemplo da muito problema. Vai minha dica.. tenta deixar em CAS 2.5.. e ve se roda legal. Pra te dar uma idéia.. to usando 2 modulos 2x512 PC3200 Samsung, rodando em CAS 2.5-2-2 com 230Mhz.. com apenas 2.8v




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