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Internet Reallllyyyyyy Slow...


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Well i have a Windowx XP pro computer, a 2mbps connection which if i test in any computer it goes to about 1800kbps...

here it barely reaches 800kbps... also websites take a while to load, someitmes i must hit refrest various times in order for them to open....

this has been happening for a while now i thought it was my ISP but internet works normal in any other computer...

this happens in every browser i use...

any help is appreciated thx

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I tried changing cable and port, and there was no change...

but i did notice that my upload speed is normal as the one that my ISP states... but the download speed is about 1/3 of what the other computers get...

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nope.. the RWIN didnt fix it... :(

i still need to refresh like 5 times every time i want to open a website


i just installed safari... and safari named the error... - kCFErrorDomainWinSock:10055

also each time i log off and on, the problem fixes and speeds go back to normal.

Edited by daniel

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  • 8 months later...

Hey Daniel, where you ever able to fix this problem? What did you do?


I'm having the same error, except that I need to reboot my computer each time, so it's a real pain.


It used to be fine in safe mode with networking, but even that is having the issue now.


I've run full scans with AVguard, malware, Spybot S&D, and Ad-Aware, and none of them really found anything.

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