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I feel like an idiot


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So i was messing around with the asus AI booster for the #1 comp in my sig. I put it at 270X9 (266X9 standard), worked fine, put it at 280X9, blue screans on boot up...


that is tho only thing i changed (unless it changes other stuff automaticaly)


i have 800Mhz ram, and in the bios it says the fsb is set to 1066, and no matter how i change the mutiplyer (in bios) it stays at 1066



and i cant change anything else in bios


anyway, any help you can give me would be AWSOM, i really feel like a idiot







i want to apolgise for being a noob, so, sorry

Edited by cdburner5911

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So i was messing around with the asus AI booster for the #1 comp in my sig. I put it at 270X9 (266X9 standard), worked fine, put it at 280X9, blue screans on boot up...


that is tho only thing i changed (unless it changes other stuff automaticaly)


i have 800Mhz ram, and in the bios it says the fsb is set to 1066, and no matter how i change the mutiplyer (in bios) it stays at 1066

and i cant change anything else in bios


anyway, any help you can give me would be AWSOM, i really feel like a idiot



i want to apolgise for being a noob, so, sorry



What are your voltage settings? If they're on auto, my experience is that the MB tends to waaaaaaaaaay over compensate for what is actually needed such that OCing just a little bit causes blue screens because too much voltage is sent to the hardware.


What cooling solution do you have for your CPU? Even though such a low OC should work with the stock cooler, you need to remember that the Quad core produces a lot of heat, so if you're going to up it further, look into a better heat sink.


For my case, I noticed that I had to have my memory frequency locked at 800 Mhz for it to work properly. I don't know why, but having it synced in any way with the FSB caused my ram to sync itself with the rated FSB (for a 375 Mhz FSB, that's 1500 Mhz for my chip) instead of the actual FSB.


If you lock your RAM at its highest frequency of 800 Mhz and lock your VCore at something reasonable, you should be okay when using a windows program to tweak. Personally, though, I'd recommend tweaking things through the BIOS instead of a program. Always remember to go in low increments if you're upping anything.


If you're still having problems, providing some screen shots could help work toward a solution. Also, download some programs like CPUz, SpeedFan, Prime95, CoreTemp, Everest, etc for monitoring and testing purposes. I imagine that your initial FSB increase from 266 to 270 made your system unstable, but without testing it with Prime95 you didn't know. Then when you upped it to 280 it became so unstable that it crashed.


Hope this helps...

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