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Need some Suggestions


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So a while ago my old board self destructed and I was looking at an unwelcome need for a new system. I'd been using my x850 for a while and since it's AGP it kind of limited my options for getting a replacement rig. I had enough money to get everything I needed except a new PCIexpress card. The only thing I could think to do is get an AsRock 4CoreDual SATA 2 board. This board let me keep my AGP 8x Card and also is equipped with a 4xPCIe slot. I hadn't been planning on upgrading again for a while. I wasn't too interested in any next generation games, I knew the x850 would have no problem running the only game I played TF2. Long story short my rig ended up in it's current configuration.


Unfortunately a week ago while playing TF2 I noticed some strange green dots all over my display...


(sorry about the huge picture, never really uploaded too many pictures anywhere before. I'll remember to save as jpg next time.)


So I figure my x850 is just crapping out from the long time it spent in my old system that pretty much sucked balls.


Anyhow. I know my PCIe slot is only 4x. I'm still not too concerned about playing any games in the near future. If I go ahead and buy a PCIe card, will it get bottlenecked in a 4x slot too much to do any gaming? If so I wouldn't mind spending my money now that there's a need to on a new board and a new video card. I've got about a 400 dollar max on money I'm willing to spend. Hit me with some suggestions, they're greatly appreciated.

Edited by PinkFloydian

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common courtesy is to save images as JPEG or GIF when posting on forums...


a 2.3 MB BMP file is quite ridiculous when a ~100k JPEG would appear almost identical, have you tried cleaning the GPU fan? overheating can lead to artifacts at stock speed, dust/fluff can be the culprit...

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I've tried cleaning it once, I'll have to give it another to make sure random dust isn't the culprit. I'll give that a go later this week before buying anything. Once again, sorry about the huge picture post. My temps aren't wild at all. While running TF2 My temp never got above 68.

Edited by PinkFloydian

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