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2 Computers 1 Wireless adapter

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well i did a search in their download section and got no results, however i remembered that I had the CD that came w/ the wireless adapter and the base station so i used that and it had the drivers on it, so i did have the cd, it was just not obvious that it would be on there...lol, dont even know where this NIC came from lol, we have always had the wireless adapters...lol




I ended up installing a copy of Win XP pro on the older machine because I couldnt find a network connection wizard for Win 2k Server...but im still getting some problems getting this dang thing to work. What I have is 2 computers. "A" is the system in my sig and has a onboard Network Adapter, "B" is an older AMD MP 1200+ system that I added a MN-130 NIC. On comp "A" I have a MN-510 Wireless Network Adapter that has been connected to Linksys boardband router. I have a MN-500 Wireless Broaband Base Station which I have comp "B" pluged into the 2nd port on the back of the MN-500. If I plug comp "A" into the MN-500's port #1, I loose the wireless connection from the MN-510...so Im a little bit stuck on what to do next to get this dang thing to work...thanks for everyones help so far and hope that someone can help me get this all figured out

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