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Ambient Temp And Water Cooling

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Does any one out there have any tips or experience for keeping down the temperature of a watercooled system when the room or case temperature is high?

I've been running into this problem when the temp of the air going through my radiator gets warm enough to take away from the cooling of the cpu and other blocks.

Right now the case is setup with 2 back fans, 1 side, and 1 front fan bringing air into the case and a 120mm / 120mm+80mm combo blowing the air out of the top through the radiator...

I'm thinking about reversing the back plate fans to blow out instead of in so that there is a current of air through the case to keep the temp down inside...

Some specs:

System temp: 52C

CPU Surface temp: 43C

CPU Core temp: 53C

Room temp: < 30C


Any help would be appreciated... ;)

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See it this way:You can have aircooling or watercooling, but when your room temp rises in both cases, and the difference between your room temp[air in] and your CPU temp becomes large, you need more fans in/out the case, as well as a Larger fan removing all the immediate hot air from around the case, and make sure it continiously away and gone. This is why I build my case into a desk...To have two compartments to accomplish this.....ie..to lower the difference in temp between room and Processor. Then you can add compressor/airconditioning-type cooling to lower the overall temps by lowering your room/intake temp. The

more fans will circulate more air and help prevent condensation. I think 21C is a good room temp..below 21c you start getting cold and above 23,5c it starts feeling warm.....with temps rising to 30/35c....So if a lot of fans can keep your difference small, then you are still below 45c on a very warm day.....warm air should never "hang around" in your case. I have 6x seperate sensors with gauges and can observe any change I make easily.

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